American Idol

Noah Thompson tops music charts for American Idol


Noah Thompson is enjoying chart success with his debut single. (ABC Photo)

Noah Thompson is enjoying chart success with his debut single. (ABC Photo)

Two days after their original songs dropped, Noah Thompson is leading the way for the American Idol Top 5 on the iTunes charts.

As of Sunday afternoon, Noah’s “One Day Tonight” was still sitting at number five on the iTunes overall singles chart.

Two of the other original songs were still on that chart at the time — HunterGirl’s “Red Bird” at number 12 and Fritz Hager’s “Hearts Align” at number 115.

All five songs were still charting on genre charts, as listed below.

Noah’s song had climbed as high as number four on the overall singles chart. It was written by the trio of Brett Sheroky, Jered Griffin and Trannie Anderson.

And while other members of the Top 5 had already released pre-Idol music, this marks the debut single for Noah, who only auditioned for Idol because a co-worker signed him up for the process.

“Being in the studio working in the sound booth was one of the greatest things I’ve ever done in my life. I had so much fun because I didn’t know how any of that stuff worked, so it was all new to me,” Noah told Billboard.

Here’s where the new singles stood on genre charts as of Sunday afternoon. Keep in mind that chart to chart comparisons are difficult. The country and pop charts are typically the toughest to climb.

Alternative Top 200

20. Fritz Hager, “Hearts Align”
40. Leah Marlene, “Flowers”

Country Top 200

3. Noah Thompson, “One Day Tonight”
5. HunterGirl, “Red Bird”

Singer-songwriter Top 200

4. Nicolina (Bozzo), “Glitter”

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