After American Idol

Paul McDonald drops new track from upcoming album


Paul McDonald has released the third song from his upcoming album.

Paul McDonald has released the third song from his upcoming album.

Paul McDonald promised more upbeat songs would be on the way and he’s just delivered another from his upcoming album.

“New Lovers” hit iTunes and other music sites Friday; it’s the third song released from the “Modern Hearts” album Paul is promising to release sometime in 2018.

Paul, you’ll recall, met actress Nikki Reed during his run on Season 10 of American Idol.

The two later married and starting making music together — an EP in 2012 and an album in 2014.

Then came a divorce and, for Paul, a move back to Nashville from Los Angeles.

“Writing helped me a lot during that time,” Paul says on his website. “I would wake up every morning in a dark headspace, but once I picked up the guitar and started writing, I’d tell myself, ‘I’m back.’”

“And as I gained my confidence back as a human being and as an artist, I started writing more upbeat and fun songs.”

“Call On Me,” the first song released from Modern Hearts, fits that bill. So does “New Lovers.”

“This is one of my all-time favorites out this batch,” Paul writes on Facebook. “I wrote it a few years ago when I first moved back to Nashville. It’s about those first few magical months when you find new love.”

You can check out the song below. And you can keep up with Paul through his Facebook page and website.

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