American Idol

Photo gallery from American Idol’s duet night


Time constraints prevent American Idol from airing many of the complete Hollywood Week performances.

So here’s a photo gallery featuring more than 24 of the duos who teamed up for duet night at Hollywood Week.

Featured are many singers we’ve yet to meet on the episodes that have aired so far. Enjoy!

Aliana Jester and Yzthasinger during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Aliana Jester and Yzthasinger during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Both advanced. (ABC Photo)

Cameron Havens and Ren Patrick during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Cameron Havens and Ren Patrick during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Cameron advanced; Ren did not. (ABC Photo)

Demi Rae and Michael Wingate during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Demi Rae and Michael Wingate during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Devon Alexander and unidentified partner during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Devon Alexander and unidentified partner during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Elyjuh Rene and Kimmy Gabriela during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Elyjuh Rene and Kimmy Gabriela during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Both advanced. (ABC Photo)

Evan Kuriga and Dillon James during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Evan Kuriga and Dillon James during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Both advanced. (ABC Photo)

Faith Becnel and Jovin Webb during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Faith Becnel and Jovin Webb during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Both advanced. (ABC Photo)

Franklin Boone and Jordan Moyes during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Franklin Boone and Jordan Moyes during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Franklin advanced; Jordan did not. (ABC Photo)

Genavieve Linkowski and Travis Finlay during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Genavieve Linkowski and Travis Finlay during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Both advanced. (ABC Photo)

Jeb Vonder Bruegge and Alyssa Fair during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Jeb Vonder Bruegge and Alyssa Fair during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Jeb advanced; Alyssa did not. (ABC Photo)

Jimmy Levy and Nick Merico during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Jimmy Levy and Nick Merico during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Both advanced. (ABC Photo)

Jonny West and Margie Mays during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Jonny West and Margie Mays during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Both advanced. (ABC Photo)

Jordon Jones and DeWayne Crocker Jr. during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Jordon Jones and DeWayne Crocker Jr. during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. (ABC Photo)

Just Sam and Sheniel Maisonet during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Just Sam and Sheniel Maisonet during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Both advanced. (ABC Photo)

Kat Luna and Alejandro (Space Cowboy) Garrido during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Kat Luna and Alejandro (Space Cowboy) Garrido during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Kat advanced; Alejandro did not. (ABC Photo)

Landen Starkman and Perrin York during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Landen Starkman and Perrin York during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Both advanced. (ABC Photo)

Lauren Mascitti and Leon Majcen during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Lauren Mascitti and Leon Majcen during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Lauren advanced; Leon didn’t. (ABC Photo)

Lauren Spencer Smith and Makayla Brownlee during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Lauren Spencer Smith and Makayla Brownlee during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Both advanced. (ABC Photo)

Louis Knight and Francisco Martin during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Louis Knight and Francisco Martin during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Both advanced. (ABC Photo)

Makayla Phillips and Cyniah Elise during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Makayla Phillips and Cyniah Elise during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Both advanced. (ABC Photo)

Mollie Isaacs and Laura Jean during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Mollie Isaacs and Laura Jean during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Natalie Jane and Marcus Lee Tinsley II during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Natalie Jane and Marcus Lee Tinsley II during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Olivia Ximines and Isa Pena during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Olivia Ximines and Isa Pena during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Both advanced. (ABC Photo)

Peyton Aldridge and Madison Paige during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Peyton Aldridge and Madison Paige during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Both advanced. (ABC Photo)

Robert Taylor and Tito Rey during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Robert Taylor and Tito Rey during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Robert advanced; Tito didn’t. (ABC Photo)

Zack Dobbins and Courtney Timmons during the duet round on American Idol's Hollywood Week (ABC Photo)

Zack Dobbins and Courtney Timmons during the duet round on American Idol’s Hollywood Week. Both were eliminated. (ABC Photo)

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