New Idol Music, Pia Toscano

Pia Toscano says an album ‘very soon’


Pia Toscano arrives for the American Idol finale. (AP Photo)In a video to her fans, Pia Toscano has answered a question on all of their minds.

Where in the world is that debut album? What’s the release date?

The closest Pia would come to answering the quesiton is: “very soon, but I cannot give you a precise date.”

Pia says she has recorded 40 — yes, as in more than three dozen  — potential songs for the album and is still recording.

“I had gotten signed pretty much right after I got eliminated from Idol,” Pia explained. “I’m in artist development right now.  … We’re just trying to make sure my project is a perfect representation of who I am. And we don’t want to rush anything.”

Pia finished ninth on Idol last year and released a single “This Time” last year.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, Pia’s favorite places to vacation are Aruba, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas.

And her favorite cartoon as a child was The Flintstones.

Pia answers questions from fans on a regular basis at her website

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  1. Donald Shapiro March 15, 2012 at 2:42 am -  Reply

    American Idol and Interscope records are screwing Ms. Toscano by not letting her release her album. There are hundreds of thousands of people waiting to buy her debut album. Why are her handlers keeping her from releasing an album? Can’t she get out of her contract so she can go with some other recording company? We all love her voice!

  2. jack July 29, 2012 at 6:42 pm -  Reply

    Like I’ve said a # of times b4 PIA has the best voice I’ve heard since CARRIE UNDERWOOD & that says alot CARRIE is Awesome but so is PIA let her Album out ,what is AI afraid of everybody knows they have a flawed voting system let PIA start her career

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