David Archuleta, New Idol Music

Pre-orders being taken for David Archuleta’s Filipino album


American fans anxious to get their hands on the new album David Archuleta is releasing this month will apparently have plenty of options.

David is releasing “Forevermore,” an album of original Filipino love songs this month.

A track list was recently announced, as well as pre-orders of the albums, from the Philippines.

Well, amazon.com has also started taking pre-orders, indicating the album will be available on March 27.

And the Absolute Archies website is reporting that wowhd.us is also offering pre-orders of the album with free shipping, indicating a March 19 release date.

The album is one of two David has promised to finish before leaving on a two-year mission with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The other will be a U.S. cover album that he’s recording now but will likely be released after he departs.

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  1. jazzy March 14, 2012 at 2:25 am -  Reply

    I can’t wait to get this CD! I’ve ordered it already but it’ll take a while to get here from overseas. I will also be buying the second CD. I almost wish they would just release individual tracks over time (from the second CD)so we could get something brand new every few months while David’s gone.

  2. Virtue March 14, 2012 at 2:32 am -  Reply

    “Forever,” a song on the Cd is so beautiful. I’m eager to get the CD.

  3. sunny March 14, 2012 at 2:55 am -  Reply

    Can’t wait to get my copy!! David’s “Forevermore” single from this album is beautiful!!

  4. djafan March 14, 2012 at 2:55 am -  Reply

    Nandito Ako the theme song and Wherever You are from the miniseries is also on the album. They are both beautiful songs. They’ve just added Forevermore preorder on Amazon!!!!!

  5. sierra March 14, 2012 at 3:07 am -  Reply

    OH now amazon too! Great, David needs to leave us enough music to last the next two years! Bye D,luv u take care & stay safe wherever you’ll be!

  6. DorkAngel March 14, 2012 at 3:08 am -  Reply

    Is the Wowhd.us site legit? 12.99 plus free shipping? Does David receive credit for these sales? I asked this question when TODOD-ATE was offered there and never got an answer so I ordered from Amazon. Would love to order from Wowhd since they’re much cheaper, but I need to know that my order is supporting David.

  7. Heidijoy March 14, 2012 at 3:17 am -  Reply

    So exciting. Love the song Forevermore and look forward to the rest which are all OPM songs. Pre-ordered and gifted albums.

    David is a busy young man and recording more as we speak which will be released over the next two years.

    We are currently seeing a Mini Series from the Phillipines. In the 4th week. One more week of that. David’s acting very good for first time.

  8. Trish March 14, 2012 at 3:33 am -  Reply

    I ordered mine!

  9. djafan March 14, 2012 at 5:40 pm -  Reply

    Today 3 David Archuleta worldwide trending topics at once 🙂

    March 14, 2012 at 8:18 am

    Worldwide trends · Change
    Trent Cole
    David Archuleta In TV5 Manila
    Happy Pi Day
    Submarino e Shoptime
    Josh Bradley Is In Love
    Nandito Ako Week 4 Is Emotional
    Greg Smith

    Forevermore preorders in Top 100 http://www.wowhd.us/

    Forevermore #1 in the US!
    Forevermore #1 in Canada!
    Forevermore #8 in Hong Kong!
    Forevermore #8 in China? 首页 » 音乐 » 最受欢迎的!
    Forevermore #8 in France!
    Forevermore #8 in ??? 音楽!
    Forevermore #33 in the UK!
    Forevermore #94 in Australia!

  10. Marvin March 18, 2012 at 2:21 pm -  Reply

    WOW HD TOP 100 in MUSIC CATEGORY ( Source: http://www.wowhd.us/ )

    Forevermore #1 in the United States
    Forevermore #1 in Canada
    Forevermore #2 in Japan
    Forevermore #2 in Hong Kong
    Forevermore #2 in France
    Forevermore #2 in China
    Forevermore #8 in Australia
    Forevermore #27 in United Kingdom

    Cogratulations, David Archuleta!

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