Adam Lambert, New Idol Music

Prediction: ‘Want’ will leave Adam Lambert fans wanting


Adam Lambert at the Hollywood Life 11th Annual Young Hollywood Awards earlier this month. (AP Photo)

So, I downloaded “Want,” the newly released Adam Lambert song Wednesday night. And I’m left with a simple question: What’s the big deal?

OK, the timing is a little unusual because it comes after Idol, not before. And Adam apparently would prefer these songs not be released. And apparently, there’s a big debate over who wrote the songs.

But anyone surprised that pre-Idol Adam Lambert recordings have surfaced shouldn’t be.

For starters, Adam used to perform in an “alt/pop/rock/electro” band called The Citizen Vein that included Madonna guitarist Monte Pittman and had aspirations of recording an album, according to his artist bio at one of his old haunts, the Upright Caberet in L.A.

And haven’t we gotten past the point where we expect Idol contestants to be true amateurs who show up for an audition with a great voice and no experience, just waiting to be discovered by Paula, Randy and Simon … and maybe, Kara?

I mean, it seems like most of the finalists in the past two years have had a hand in pre-Idol music releases of some sort.

Will there be interest in the pre-Idol Adam Lambert songs being released by Hi Fi Records? Absolutely.

The same way I’m sure more people have listened to Carly Smithson’s supposed-to-be pop hit “I’m Gonna Blow Your Mind” than did back in when she was performing as Carly Hennessy.

That same way I’m sure more people have watched Kristy Lee Cook frolicking in the water with a video boyfriend while singing “Devoted” since her appearance on Idol than when she released the song in 2005.

But I think fans wowed by Adam during his Idol performances are smart enough to recognize Hi Fi’s soon-to-be-released “On With the Show” album for what it is.

And if “Want” is the best Hi Fi has to offer up, I doubt the album will dampen enthusiasm for Adam’s first post-Idol release.

Personally, I’d rather listen to Brooke White’s rendition of Coldplay’s “Yellow,” from her pre-Idol CD, “Songs in the Attic.”

Note: This morning, Rolling Stone’s Rock & Roll Daily posted its latest story on the issue, and a track list for “On With the Show.”

Note 2: Have you listened to “Want?” What do you think? Feel free to comment below.

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