Season 11, Season 11 finale

Predictions on who will win American Idol tonight


OK, I’ve registered my opinion.

I think Jessica Sanchez should be the next American Idol. By a wide margin.

But will she be?

I doubt it. Phillip Phillips had a big edge last night. Phillip was the more impressive contestant a week ago.

And he has history on his side.

Here’s other predictions from around the web. Scored the night by rounds, saying “Phillip edges Jessica, 2-to-1. Based on his final song alone, I’m going with Phillip as the next American Idol.” The site that measures the busy signals has this one very close, with both contestants in the could be eliminated zone, and Phillip just slightly ahead of Jessica. But the DialIdol experts poll has Phillip winning by a margin of nearly 2 to 1.

Michael Slezak, TV Line: Says Phillip won the night. But for the season? “Jessica (call me crazy, but I think her fan base is gonna help carry her over that incongruous final ditty.)” Predicts Phillip to win, saying “there’s been some weird rumbling around the ol’ World Wide Web this week about Jessica’s being the favorite due to some Social Networking followers and other such nonsense, but I don’t believe that for a second. This is, and always has been, Phillip Phillip’s competition. After those huge raves from the judges to end the night, it’s as certain as ever: Phillip in a landslide.”

Buddy TV: Predicts Phillip will win, saying “I have never witnessed such an obvious win before a finale before! OK, maybe Scotty last season. But still. Decimated. They’ll both do well, but I think Phillip will have the title to shake.” Expects the trend of male winners to continue, though Jessica won the fan poll with 62 percent of votes cast on the site. Writer says ‘”we’ve seen four straight Idol seasons with a male winner which indicates a trend in the voting audience. The cynic in me expects that trend to continue. Sure, trends can change, and gee it’d be nice for ones like this to do so, but that’s what makes trends trends.”

RealityWanted: Goes against the grain with this prediction: “I don’t think anyone will be shocked when either name is announced as the winner, but I think that name announced will be Jessica Sanchez.” The writer also thinks she needs the win more, saying Phillip will be successful regardless.

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  1. kinuan goal May 24, 2012 at 8:28 am -  Reply

    American idol voting trend has changed… since david cook won in season 7… it has turned into a male beauty pageant.. oh did i mention that the show is a bit racist?

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