American Idol

Ranking American Idol’s Top 7


We’ll get to see and hear the remaining American Idol hopefuls perform twice Sunday night.

The good news is that that will mark the 11th and 12th time we’ve seen them perform.

Compare that to NBC’s The Voice, where only seven performances will be required to win the show.

Bottom line: The Idol contestants are getting better exposure. More chances to impress. More opportunities to show their versatility. And more chances to show they can perform at a high level on a consistent basis.

The bad news — besides the Comeback fiasco — is that the Top 7 will be forced to cover Coldplay with one of their song selections this week.

I’ve never been a fan of single-artist theme nights on Idol. In the case of Coldplay, someone’s going to get to sing “Fix You.” Someone’s going to get to sing “Yellow.” And at least a couple of other contestants will wish they had.

Sunday’s other theme, fittingly, is Mother’s Day. So let the tributes to all the moms out there begin.

Here are my latest Idol rankings. As usual, they’re based on a combination of where I think the artists will finish and where I think they should finish.

Honestly, Grace Kinstler has been the most outstanding performer in recent weeks. With those booming vocals, she could belt out a power ballad every week. But she’s made some bold song choices. And she’s made them work.

Grace’s biggest problem: She’s not a guy lugging around a guitar. And that’s what Idol fans historically seem to prefer.

The number in parenthesis below is each singer’s previous ranking.

1. Chayce Beckham (2), 24, Apple Valley, Calif.

1. Chayce Beckham (2), 24, Apple Valley, Calif.

2. Arthur Gunn (1st ranking), 23, Wichita, Kansas

2. Arthur Gunn (1st ranking), 23, Wichita, Kansas

3 Grace Kinstler (5), 20, Chicago, Ill.

3 Grace Kinstler (5), 20, Chicago, Ill.

4. Hunter Metts (1), 22, Franklin, Tenn.

4. Hunter Metts (1), 22, Franklin, Tenn.

5. Willie Spence (6), 21, Douglas, Ga.

5. Willie Spence (6), 21, Douglas, Ga.

6. Casey Bishop (8), 15, Estero, Fla.

6. Casey Bishop (8), 15, Estero, Fla.

7. Caleb Kennedy (9), 16, Roebuck, S.C.

7. Caleb Kennedy (9), 16, Roebuck, S.C.

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1 Comment

  1. TiredofTripe May 5, 2021 at 12:27 pm -  Reply

    Have you noticed that all the eliminations so far have been Black or women?

    Arthur will win.

    Fox News will have a field day.

    For “Idol” is all about Disney, Katy Perry’s dumb costumes, and Luke Bryan and Lionel Richie prostituting themselves.

    Next season will be its last.

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