American Idol

Ranking the Top 3 on American Idol

The American Idol Top 3, Jack Blocker, WIll Moseley and Abi Carter. (ABC Photo)

The American Idol Top 3, Jack Blocker, WIll Moseley and Abi Carter. (ABC Photo)

American Idol’s Top 3 take the stage Sunday night in the show’s three-hour season finale.

And at the end of the night, Abi Carter, Jack Blocker or Will Moseley will be declared the winner of Season 22.

It will be important for Idol fans to cast their votes early that night via the normal methods — the Idol app, the Idol website and via text.

That’s because the finale usually consists of three rounds of solo performances for the finalists.

But one singer is eliminated after the two rounds based on fan voting, leaving just two singers to perform in round 3.

Last year, those third-round performances featured the contestants’ new singles.

Abi, Will and Jack will all have new songs dropping on Friday.

Here’s how Idol Chatter is ranking the Top 3 heading into Sunday’s show. Last week’s ranking appears in parenthesis.

Abi Carter performs 'The Chain' Sunday night on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Abi Carter performs ‘The Chain’ Sunday night on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

1. Abi Carter (1), 21, Indio, Calif.: Let’s review. Two weeks ago, her mic pack fell off as she began singing. She coolly lassoed it, marched toward center stage and tucked it back into her gown without missing a beat. Last week, she’s singing “a girl who has” when a piece of confetti fell into her mouth. She plucked it out and flecked it aside, singing “everything” in perfect pitch and smiling knowingly at the camera. This week? I’m waiting for a service dog to break loose from the crowd, hop onstage and bite Abi in the ankle. She’d likely turned the subsequent “ouch” into a beautiful glory note. Want to know why she lands here? Just listen to her vocal from Sunday on “The Chain” — angelic one moment, defiant growl the next, punctuated by a monster note at the 2-minute mark. Unfortunately for Abi fans, I think her path to victory narrowed significantly when Jack Blocker — and not Emmy Russell or Triston Harper — got the third spot in the finale. That means Idol’s significant country music voting block won’t be split among two singers.

Will Moseley interacts with the American Idol judges after a peformance Sunday night. (ABC Photo)

Will Moseley interacts with the American Idol judges after a performance Sunday night. (ABC Photo)

2. Will Moseley (3), 23, Hazlehurst, Ga.: When I started researching singers rumored to make this year’s Top 54, I came across Will and immediately thought, “This guy has the potential to win. Idol fans are going to love those deep, raspy vocals.” Now, there have been recent seasons of Idol where I’ve questioned how in the world a male country singer made it as far as he did considering the talent Idol cast aside in the process. This is not one of those seasons. Will deserves his spot in the finals. And if he winds up being the Season 22 Idol, that will be deserved as well. Heck, the big guy just navigated a two-week gauntlet that included a dance theme, an Adele song and two Disney tunes. And came out of it smiling. There are times I wish he’d cut loose a bit more on stage, like during Sunday’s performance of “Born to Be Wild.” But he’s also a contestant ready to hop in a recording studio that day after Idol ends and start recording hit country songs.

Jack Blocker performs 'Nobody's Fool' Sunday night on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Jack Blocker performs ‘Nobody’s Fool’ Sunday night on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

3. Jack Blocker (4), 25, Dallas, Texas: Lionel Richie recommended the stage name Jack Swagger for Jack. I don’t like it. It implies cockiness, and I don’t sense anything cocky in Jack’s on-stage delivery. I do sense a singer more confident and more assured that his occasionally offbeat performance style will be accepted — heck, even applauded — as he’s gotten deeper into his Idol run. That was certainly the case when he performed “Nobody’s Fool” on Sunday. Neither of his performances that evening ranked among my Disney Night favorites, and I’ve gotta confess a sense of surprise when Ryan Seacrest announced his name as the third finalist and not Triston or Emmy. But Jack’s three performances prior to Sunday were outstanding, and that includes his sublime cover of Willie Nelson’s “Always On My Mind.”

See also
Song by song grades for the Top 5
Song by song grades for the Top 7 (Adele round)
Song by song grades for the Top 7 (dance songs)
Song by song grades for the Top 8
Song by song grades for the Top 10
Song by song grades for the Top 12
Song by song grades for the Top 14

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  1. Beth McMullen May 16, 2024 at 1:14 pm -  Reply

    Jack just has to , win he is not like everyone else, and could sing a phone book. He is that great go Jack

    • Bobby May 19, 2024 at 5:16 pm -  Reply

      Cant tell… Who would have thought ruby would love the voice

  2. Kari May 16, 2024 at 6:33 pm -  Reply

    Jack is a brilliant and unique artist and like many of the great can be midunderstood and unappreciated by the general public. I hope he is able to reach his core fans because he is a genius at what he does.

  3. Anie Rodriguez May 16, 2024 at 8:29 pm -  Reply

    Jack has been the best singing from the humbleness of his heart 💖

  4. joy denney May 17, 2024 at 7:42 pm -  Reply

    Go Will….You have to do Tennessee Whiskey….PLEASE. <3

  5. Shelly May 17, 2024 at 8:02 pm -  Reply

    Jack will be the winner!

  6. sam May 18, 2024 at 1:52 am -  Reply

    DONT Know what it is,,,, singing, voice, looks, personalty,,, BUT I LOVE JACK!!!! Jack for the win♥

  7. Michelle May 18, 2024 at 10:32 am -  Reply

    Abi deserves to win. Jack and Will are both talented, but Abi is on another level…

  8. Peggy May 18, 2024 at 3:14 pm -  Reply

    Jack is my pick for the next American Idol.

  9. Patty martin May 21, 2024 at 9:16 am -  Reply

    I still say Jack was the best and he is going places.

  10. Patty martin May 21, 2024 at 9:16 am -  Reply

    I still say Jack was the best and he is going places.

  11. Rose May 22, 2024 at 12:17 pm -  Reply

    Jack should have been the winner. He sings different songs every time like the great singer do. She should have been known before for her grandmother and the name she carries.

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