The Voice

Sara Collins talks about her blind audition on The Voice


Sara Collins of Dandridge, Tenn., listens to feedback at her blind audition on The Voice Season 18. (NBC Photo)

Sara Collins of Dandridge, Tenn., listens to feedback at her blind audition on The Voice Season 18. (NBC Photo)

Sara Collins was one of the first pure country singers we met on Season 18 of The Voice.

And her cover of Heidi Newfield’s “Johnny and June” earned her a spot on the show.

Nick Jonas and Kelly Clarkson turned their chairs for her performance.

Nick said Sara’s the type of artist he’d love to work with and called it a phenomenal performance. Kelly complimented her voice.

Sara opted to join Team Kelly. Here’s what she told Voice Views about her blind audition experience.

Voice Views: How did you wind up auditioning for The Voice Season 18 and what prompted you to do it? Had you ever tried a show like this in the past?

Sara: This was actually my second time auditioning to be on The Voice. I sent in an online submission and it’s all been a whirlwind from then on! My family and I have always watched The Voice and my dad would always tell me that I would be on the show one day, and now here I am!

Voice Views: Why did you choose “Johnny and June” for your audition song? What’s your performance history with that song (for instance, is it one you’ve played often)?

Sara: Johnny and June have been on my setlist for as long as I can remember. I’ve always loved the song and the story behind it. The melody of the song also shows off my vocal range really well so I thought it was a strong choice to try to get the coaches to turn!

Voice Views: Nick made a hard push to land you for his team. Did you have a coaching preference heading into the blind audition and why did you decide to join Team Kelly?

Sara: Well originally I wanted to be on Team Blake, but Kelly was always my next choice if Blake didn’t turn. I’ve always loved her music, bubbly personality, and she can sing like no other! She is iconic! However, I have to say Nick almost swayed me with his pitch. I think either way I would’ve been in great hands with either coach!

Voice Views: And what was that blind audition experience like? You were about two-thirds of the way through your performance before Kelly turned. Were you getting nervous at that point?

Sara: All I remember was being so nervous during my Blind Audition to the point that I remember forgetting how to breathe. I just wanted to be sure that I remembered the words and once Kelly and Nick turned I felt more relaxed. It was definitely an experience I will never forget!

Voice Views: What are you most hoping to gain from your Voice experience?

Sara: Throughout this Voice experience, I am hoping to learn all that I can from Kelly Clarkson and of course gain some fans! The response I’ve gotten from people so far has already been incredible! I can’t wait for what’s to come!

For more on Sara, the music she’s already released and her social media links, head here.

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