American Idol

Silliness trumps tears for one night on American Idol (photo gallery)


For a two-hour audition episode, American Idol was remarkably shy on tears being shed Wednesday night.

Sure, there were a few when Logan Johnson shared his story about fighting back against an addiction to painkillers.

And several more when Shayy Winn, legally blind, launched into a wonderfully moving version of “Rise Up.”

But for at least one night, silly antics trumped tears in the Idol audition room.

We got to watch Katy Perry munch strawberries. We got to watch her feign fainting over a good-looking male singer. We got to watch her try to do push-ups.

Amid all the silliness, we met several more Hollywood singers. Here they are in a photo gallery.

Alejandro Aranda's audition was billed as the best ever on American Idol. He's off to Hollywood. (ABC Photo)

Alejandro Aranda’s audition was billed as the best ever on American Idol. He’s off to Hollywood. (ABC Photo)

Betsy Jo is one of the Hollywood bound contestants we met just briefly on Wednesday's American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Betsy Jo is one of the Hollywood bound contestants we met just briefly on Wednesday’s American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Cortney Penry shows off her engagement ring to Kat Perry. She'd later get a golden ticket too. (ABC Photo)

Cortney Penry shows off her engagement ring to Kat Perry. She’d later get a golden ticket too. (ABC Photo)

Cory Young is one of the Hollywood bound contestants we met briefly on American Idol Wednesday. (ABC Photo)

Cory Young is one of the Hollywood bound contestants we met briefly on American Idol Wednesday. (ABC Photo)

Eddie Island seemed to fascinate Katy Perry with the googly eyes on the front of his guitar. (ABC Photo)

Eddie Island seemed to fascinate Katy Perry with the googly eyes on the front of his guitar. (ABC Photo)

Ethan Payne performs with Luke Bryan during his audition on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Ethan Payne performs with Luke Bryan during his audition on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Jake Durkin made Katy Perry swoon, and got a golden ticket, on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Jake Durkin made Katy Perry swoon, and got a golden ticket, on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Juan Pablo got a golden ticket in spite of a tortured -- and torturing to watch -- audition on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Juan Pablo got a golden ticket in spite of a tortured — and torturing to watch — audition on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Kason Lester delivered a basket of goodies from Lester Farms to the American Idol judges and left with a golden ticket Wednesday night. (ABC Photo)

Kason Lester delivered a basket of goodies from Lester Farms to the American Idol judges and left with a golden ticket Wednesday night. (ABC Photo)

Landen Knowlton will have more time to teach Katy Perry how to do a proper pushup after receiving a golden ticket to Hollywood on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Landen Knowlton will have more time to teach Katy Perry how to do a proper pushup after receiving a golden ticket to Hollywood on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Logan Johnson and his family celebrate his golden ticket on American Idol Wednesday night. (ABC Photo)

Logan Johnson and his family celebrate his golden ticket on American Idol Wednesday night. (ABC Photo)

Shayy Winn, legally blind, has Lionel Richie in tears with her stirring performance of Rise Up on American Idol. (ABC Photo).

Shayy Winn, legally blind, has Lionel Richie in tears with her stirring performance of Rise Up on American Idol. (ABC Photo).

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