Season 11, Season 11 Semifinals

The judges pick 3 wild cards on American Idol


So, we know the names of 10 finalists on American Idol.

Among the guys, Heejun Han, Phillip Phillips, Colton Dixon, Jermaine Jones and Joshua Ledet are in the finals.

Among the gals, Elise Testone, Skylar Laine, Hollie Cavanagh, Shannon Magrane and Jessica Sanchez have made it.

Now the judges get to pick six people to sing for a wild card spot.

I’ll grade each performance as it occurs.

Jen Hirsh:  She’s the first contestant to sing for a wild card spot and launches into “Oh, Darling.” Hardly the song to show that you’re a current and relevant artist.  She’s ripping into this song, perhaps oversinging it.  Because she’s going awfully sharp on those big notes.  Sing, don’t shout Jen.  I know you need to impress, but you’re trying too hard.  Grade: C

 Jeremy Rosado Nice guys might not finish last.  Jeremy gets a chance to sing, and he’s going to do a Carrie Underwood song.  He’ll sing “You Won’t.”  I thought, “Oh, no,” when that began, but he drove it home, because once the song swelled his voice swelled to. Until he was overcome with emotion and couldn’t get out the final words.  He gets great reviews from the judges.  Grade: B.

Brielle Von Hugel:   Why Brielle?  She’s going to sing “Someone Like You.”  Didn’t Jimmy just say he wanted the ladies to shy away from Adele songs.  Apparently, she wasn’t listening, or didn’t care.  That said, she’s doing a reasonably good job of singing the song, and certainly pouring heart and soul into it.  Far better than I expected from Brielle.  But the judges didn’t buy into it, and they’re the ones who count at this point.  Grade: B-

Deandre BrackensickHe’ll sing “Georgia On My Mind.”  Hey, he’s a good-looking guy, but I don’t get it.  Well, I didn’t get it until the second half of that song, when he delivered big time.  Great range, but weak opening hurt that performance.  Grade: C.

Erika Van Pelt:  She’s going to sing “Edge of Glory.”  Wow, and she’s great from the first note.  Big voice.  Current song.  She’s doing everything right to stay in this competition.  Another performance full of passion.  The difference:  This one worked from start to finish.  That was the best yet of the wild card performances.  Great job, Erika.  Grade: A- 

That, folks, means the competition is over for Baylie Brown, Chelsea Sorrell, Hallie Day, and Haley Johnsen among the girls; and for Adam Brock, Chase Likens, Aaron Marcellus, Eben Franckewitz and Creighton Fraker among the guys.

Reed Grimm:  He’s going to sing “Use Me,” after losing his long-sleeved shirt.  He’s certainly delivering on the performance side, but I don’t get it, I don’t like it and I’m just not a fan of his voice.  Was there any singing in there. Grade: C-

And now the judges reveal their selections …

Randy Jackson:  He selects Erika Van Pelt.  Well deserved.  She had the best performance of the six.  Well done, Erika.

Jennifer Lopez:  She selects Jeremy Rosado.  No huge surprise there.  His passion during his performance brought her to tears.  Jeremy drops to his knees in surprise. And insists on giving Jennifer a hug of thanks before taking his spot on a stool of safety.

Steven Tyler:  Picks Deandre Brackensick, and I’m really not sure he deserved it, but fear he might go far based on looks rather than voice.



  1. DaisyKary March 2, 2012 at 2:50 pm -  Reply

    I am sooooooo happy for Jeremy!! I love that kid’s voice!!

    I still don’t get their love for Deandre.

    Erika deserved it! She was great on that one!

    I liked Jen and Reed, but honestly neither of them turned in a fight-for-your-life performance, so I agree that they should not be in the Top 13.

    Did I mention how good Jeremy is?

  2. Jim Little March 2, 2012 at 3:04 pm -  Reply

    Creighton DESERVED a second chance. It is ridiculous that he was overlooked by “America” AND by the judges. The judges knew that Reed would just run around the stage being goofy and acting like he is in Vegas and that his vocals wouldn’t put him in the top 3 of the 6 second-chance candidates, so I don’t know why they didn’t just give Creighton the chance especially after he did a flawless on-pitch performance of “True Colors” just two nights before. Everyone is saying how badly others wanted to be in the Top 13 so they somehow deserved to be there. I think it is fair to say that Creighton wanted to be there as much as any of the other candidates.

    • Mark Franklin March 2, 2012 at 6:15 pm -  Reply

      100 percent agreed. He delivered vocally every time he sang on the show.

  3. Salvage March 4, 2012 at 5:10 pm -  Reply

    I dont think Heejun should have made top 40. I think it was a commercial move to get the asian viewership multiplied.Its all about the commercials. I am gutted that they have denied a real talent like Creighton Fraker the chance he deserved. To think that they didnt even give him another chance to sing as wild card even after his great performances, gives me a wrench in the guts.

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