Season 13

Song by song grades for the Top 2 on American Idol


Here’s a guess about tonight’s American Idol performance finale: It won’t be boring.

The singers the Idol judges prodded to be more animated all season — meaning Sam Woolf, Jess Meuse and Alex Preston — were eliminated over the last three weeks.

Caleb Johnson and Jena Irene square off tonight in the American Idol performance finale. (FOX Photo)

Caleb Johnson and Jena Irene square off tonight in the American Idol performance finale. (FOX Photo)

That sets the stage for tonight’s one-hour, three-songs-each showdown between the two singers who have been front-runners since at least mid-season.

So we’ll be treated to the rambunctious classic rock of Caleb Johnson and the more youthful pop-rock vibe of Jena Irene.

Though I’m hoping Jena slides behind her piano for at least one touching performance; it’s when she does that she’s at her best.

Who has the edge?

Well, I’ve already expressed my pre-show preference for Jena (see link below). She’s simply created more of those “Idol moments.”

(Gotta say, I prefer her version of “Can’t Help Falling in Love” to Christina Grimmie’s cover. So why isn’t Jena’s on iTunes, Idol?!?)

On the other hand, Caleb has probably been the slightly more consistent of the two.

See also

10 reasons Jena Irene should win American Idol

A look back at Jena Irene’s Idol performances

A look back at Caleb Johnson’s Idol performances

10 things Idol did right in Season 13

10 things Idol did wrong in Season 13

Like the way Ryan introduced that — the wild card vs. the wild child. Wish I had thought of that.

Actually, in that get-up, Jena looks like the wild child.

And we’re back to the ol’ Idol venue.

Simon Fuller’s Choices

Jene Irene

Jene Irene

1. Jena Irene: She opens by singing Florence and the Machine’s “Dog Days Are Over.” I remember when Vicci Martinez slayed this on The Voice. The was a nice upbeat way to open the show. Jena showed not the slightest bit of nerves taking the stage first. In fact, she was quite the show-woman stalking around that larger stage. Sometimes, I still wonder if Jena’s mic is on full blast. It occasionally sounds like her vocals are being muted. Keith and Jennifer noticed little slip-ups, but all in all loved the performance. So did Harry Connick Jr., who wants Jena to put that song on her debut album. Hmm. Originals, please. Grade: B

Caleb Johnson mug2. Caleb Johnson: Simon has decided he should sing “Dream On.” Nice choice. Aerosmith songs have provided some magical moments for Idols in the past. And this song is right in Caleb’s wheelhouse. Hope he doesn’t hurt someone, swinging around the mic stand like that. Holy crap, Caleb just pulled off the Steven Tyler shriek as well as it’s ever been pulled off on the Idol stage. That was a killer performance from Mr. Johnson. He got Keith and Jennifer to their feet. “That’s what you’ve got to do,” Jennifer says. “That may have did it right there,” she adds. Harry calls it a really great job. Keith says he liked the arch of the song. Grade: A

Round one to Caleb.

Favorite performances

Jena Irene1. Jena Irene: She’s going to repeat “Can’t Help Falling in Love.” This is her pick, her favorite performance. Not sure it’s wise. She did it just two weeks ago, so it’s still fresh in everyone’s mind, and it’s tough to recreate that moment. As I wrote earlier today, I prefer Jena’s version to the one we heard last night from possible Voice winner Christina Grimmie. Thing is, I’m not fond of repeat performances like these, and especially not when they’re done so close together like this. That said, Jena did a fine job of the song for a second time. Harry calls it absolutely beautiful. Keith makes reference to the fact that “somebody else” was prompted to perform the song after Jena. Hmm, wonder who he might be referring to. Jennifer says it gave her the goosies again. Grade: A–

Caleb JohnsonCaleb Johnson: He’s doing a song he just did recently, too — “Maybe I’m Amazed.” I’m about ready to scrap the grades from this round. And this song has been so done to death on this show. Tell you what, though, Caleb came to win this thing tonight. He did every bit as well with the song this time as he did the first time he performed it. Keith fears Caleb might have lost connection to the emotion of the song in favor of vocal gymnastics. Jennifer also thinks it needed more heart. And Harry is keeping score. He gets the judges to agree the first round went to Caleb, but the second probably went to Jena. Grade: A–

Round two to Jena, but by a slimmer margin.

The singles

1. Jena Irene: She’s singing her single “We Are One.” OK, can’t say I’m super crazy about that song, but Jena turned in another fine performance, looking perfectly at home waltzing around the stage, smiling wide and belting out that song. She hit a couple of really nice glory notes, but I really wish the final performance had placed her back behind her piano, because that’s where she truly shines. Grade: B+

2. Caleb Johnson: His single is “As Long as You Love Me.” Heck, he doesn’t even wait for Ryan to finish the intro to launch into the song. OK, not loving this song either. Oh, well, both are better than that piece of crap Kara Dioguardi wrote for the Season 8 finalists. Back to the matter at hand, Caleb is stalking around the stage, playing rocker. I just can’t see this song being a hit. But we get the usual Caleb flourish at the end as he spins with his back toward the crowd just as some fireworks go off. Grade: B

Harry’s verdict: Good luck, America.

I agree. I think tonight was pretty much dead even.

Caleb’s first song was the best performance of the night.

But was it enough to wipe out any edge Jena might have had coming in.

I’m still with Jena.

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