After The Voice

Stage fright in check, Madilyn Paige plans an album release show


Madilyn Paige released a 7-track EP Feb. 3.

Madilyn Paige released a 7-track EP Feb. 3.

Before appearing on The Voice, Madilyn Paige admits she suffered from such stage fright that she avoided situations where she’d be asked to perform.

That’s changed now, and the 17-year-old from Provo, Utah, has followed up a catchy first single released in November with an impressive pop EP released this week.

The single is “Irreplaceable,” and Madilyn also just released a video for that song, which you can check out below.

“It’s a song that I wrote when I was struggling with loving myself,” Madilyn says. “The message I want to get across is you’re irreplaceable, and you shouldn’t try to be like anybody else or try to fit in with any crowd. Just be you and love you for you.”

for the rest of the EP, Madilyn wrote or co-wrote the other five originals. The 7-track, self-titled EP also includes a remix of “Irreplaceable.”

Other standout tracks include “Let It Roll” — about not being affected by what others say — and “Undercover.”

“I wrote ‘Undercover’ to talk about the people who go through hard times and keep it inside,” the teen says. “We are surrounded by those people who are going through that, but we have no idea because on the outside they may be smiling while on the inside, they’re crying.

“True happiness is when they seek help for whatever they’re going through.”

Another song on the EP, “Foolish Game,” focuses on the disappointment Madilyn felt when she was eliminated from The Voice. She said she wrote the song the day after she returned home from her Top 20 finish in Season 6.

Less than a year later, the disappointment has faded and, in a recent interview with a hometown TV station, Madilyn credited The Voice with helping give her confidence in what’s she’s capable of.

As for the stage fright, she now talks excitedly about her album release show, set for Saturday night at the Velour Music Gallery in Provo.

You can keep up with Madilyn through her website, Facebook Page or Twitter.

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