After The Voice

Swon Brothers, Emily Ann Roberts team up for stirring single


The Swon Brothers, Colton and Zach, from The Voice Season 4

The Swon Brothers, Colton and Zach, from The Voice Season 4

The Swon Brothers have teamed up with Emily Ann Roberts for a stirring new single, “Who You Are.”

The names will be familiar to fans of The Voice.

The Swon Brothers — Zach and Colton — finished third on Season 4 of the show. Emily Ann finished second on Season 9.

They’ve released lots of fine country music since. The new single marks their first collaboration.

The Swon Brothers say they hope the song reminds listeners of “who God is and how He is always orchestrating in your life, even when it feels hopeless.”

Zach and Colton got their own reminder of that earlier this year, even after they finished recording the song.

They nearly lost their dad to COVID, Colton recalls.

“We got the master (of “Who You Are”) back just about the time he was getting back from the hospital,” Colton says in an Instagram video explaining the message behind the song. “We both broke (when that happened).”

Adds Zach: “This (song) is something we wanted to say. We release a lot of love songs, but this is a song of hope.”

Having Emily pitch in only made it more special, the Swons said.

“What a gem,” Zach says of Emily. “Ninety-five percent of the vocal you hear on the record is her doing it in one take.”

Colton agreed, crediting Emily for taking the song to another level.

Here’s the music video for “Who You Are.”

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