Season 11, Season 11 Semifinals

Voters’ top 10 revealed on American Idol


Earlier today, I divided the remaining 25 Idols like this.

Finals bound: Phillip Phillips, Heejun Han, Colton Dixon, Jessica Sanchez, Shannon Magrane

Should breeze, but might need wild card help: Elise Testone, Joshua Ledet

On the bubble: Jen Hirsh, Skylar Laine, Jeremy Rosado, Reed Grimm, Jermaine Jones, Erika Van Pelt, Hollie Cavanagh, Hallie Day

Will need wild card help and probably won’t get it: Haley Johnsen, Creighton Fraker, Chelsea Sorrell, Chase Likens

Should be going home: Eben Franckewitz, Deandre Brackensick

Homeward bound: Aaron Marcellus, Adam Brock, Brielle Von Hugel and, unfortunately, Baylie Brown.

Over the next two hours, we’ll find out how accurate those guesses were.

Yeah, in some cases, I admit they were guesses.  After all, we’ve seen only a tiny bit of what the judges have seen in the case of some contestants, like Deandre, Hollie, Chase and Haley.

Just to keep things interesting, I’ll rate each of the verdicts tonight as thumbs up or thumbs down.  Feel free to disagree by commenting below.

Results time:

Chase Likens, Jeremy Rosado and Phillip Phillips head center stage:  Jeremy and Chase don’t make the top 10; Phillip does.  Idol took 15 minutes to tell us what we already knew.  Thumbs up to Phillip being the one of the three to make it.  Thumbs down to Idol for not giving Chase more on-screen time.

Hallie Day, Jessica Sanchez, Hollie Cavanagh, Brielle Von Hugel head center stage:  If only one of these four goes through, it should be Jessica.  Brielle and Hallie are not in the top 10.  Hollie and Jessica are.  Thumbs up for Jessica, who sure as heck earned that last night.  Huge thumbs up for Hollie, whom Idol tried to bury with no screen time.  She prevailed nonetheless.  Thumbs up for voters’ decision on Brielle.  Neutral on Hallie because I haven’t heard enough.

Joshua Ledet, Heejun Han and Adam Brock head center stage:   Heejun and Joshua had better make it.  Adam should not.  Loved Jimmy’s comment there:  “It’s my job to make sure this doesn’t become ‘Sister Act 3.'”  Says Jimmy about Heejun:  “This isn’t American Comedian, this is American Idol.”  Joshua makes the top 10.  Thumbs up, a hugh thumbs up, to voters who realize how special he is.  Heejun makes the top 10.  Thumbs up, though Jimmy makes a wonderful point.  Adam doesn’t make it.  Thumbs up, I can’t see him doing well in the long run in this competition.

Skylar Laine, Baylie Brown, Chelsea Sorrell, Shannon Magrane head center stage:  Shannon better make it.  Skylar probably will.  Hey, Jimmy agrees.  Shannon makes the top 10.  Thumbs up.  I can see that teen doing incredibly well if she keeps singing as well as she has.  Skylar Laine makes the top 10.  Thumbs up.  Didn’t love her performance last night, but she brought tons of energy.

Reed Grimm, Creighton Fraker, Aaron Marcellus:  Don’t like this grouping because of what it probably means about who made it through.  Jimmy wasn’t pleased with any of the three, but finally said what needs to be said about Reed.  He’s yet to impress on this show, but keeps getting more screen time and more accolades.  Aaron doesn’t make it.  Thumbs up.  Didn’t deserve to.  Creighton didn’t make it.  Thumbs down.  The guy has performed very well.  And Reed Grimm doesn’t either.  Thumbs up.  He didn’t deserve to.

Jen Hirsh, Elise Testone, Erika Van Pelt, Haley Johnsen:  Interesting grouping, because the firstl three have very good voices and performed at least respectably last night.  Haley was perhaps the most intriguing. Of the three, Elise needs to make it.  Jimmy doesn’t like people singing Adele, but had no complaints with Elise.  Haley doesn’t make it.  Thumbs up.  She didn’t deserve it with that performance.  Erika doesn’t make it.  Neutral.  I haven’t decided on her yet.  Elise makes it.  Huge thumbs up.  She was brilliant Wednesday.  Jen doesn’t make it.  Neutral.  I think she has a very good voice, but wasn’t through with last night’s performance.

Eben Franckewitz, Jermaine Jones, Deandre Brackensick, Colton Dixon:  There are two spots left among the guys. Here’s hoping they go to Jermaine and Colton, because Eben and Deandre simply did not do well enough Tuesday to merit a spot in the finals.  They are two of the contestants who got free passes from the judges.  Jimmy says Eben “isn’t ready for prime time.”  Jimmy calls Colton “one of the most talented kids on the show.”  Deandre did not make it.  Thumbs up.  Colton makes it.  Thumbs up.  Did you see that?  Eben tried standing on tiptoes as he stands next to Jermaine.  Jermaine makes the final.  Major thumbs up.  Eben doesn’t.  Fabulous thumbs up.

And now we move to the wild card portion of the show, with singing.  Hooray.


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