American Idol

The rest of the Top 50 on American Idol (photo gallery)


American Idol invited 50 talented singers to participate in the showcase round.

Katy Perry, Luke Bryan and Lionel Richie selected 24 of those to advance to the semifinals.

Who were the 26 singers left behind? This photo gallery will answer that question.

Some of the contestants are familiar faces — Thaddeus Johnson and Maddie Zahm, Trevor Holmes and Grace Harper.

But you’re going to find several singers below — like former The Voice standout Taylor John Williams — who we never met on American Idol.

Remember the names. I won’t be surprised if many are back for Season 17.

Amalia Watty performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Amalia Watty performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)1

Britney Holmes performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Britney Holmes performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Carly Moffa performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Carly Moffa performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Christina Jones performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Christina Jones performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Cody Gabriel Martin performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Cody Gabriel Martin performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Harper Grace performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Harper Grace performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Julia Cole performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Julia Cole performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Justin B. Ray performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Justin B. Ray performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Kaitlann Runnels performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Kaitlann Runnels performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Kassy Levels performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Kassy Levels performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Kourtney Smith performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Kourtney Smith performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Laine Hardy performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Laine Hardy performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Lee Vasi performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Lee Vasi performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Les Greene performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Les Greene performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Maddie Zahm performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Maddie Zahm performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Milo Sposato  performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Milo Sposato performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Noah Davis  performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Noah Davis performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Ricky Manning performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Ricky Manning performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Samothias performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Samothias performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Stephen Quinn performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Stephen Quinn performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Storyteller performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Storyteller performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Taylor John Williams performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Taylor John Williams performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Thaddeus Johnson performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Thaddeus Johnson performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Trevor Holmes performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Trevor Holmes performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Victoria McQueen performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Victoria McQueen performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

William Casanova performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

William Casanova performs during the showcase round on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

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