Season Seven, Season Seven Finals

The Season 7 Finale: What our judges thought


David vs. David one last time in the American Idol finale.

Each contestant got to sing three songs, including two of their own choosing.

Clearly, the Idol judges thought David Archuleta carried the night.

But we formed our own panel of judges made up of York Dispatch staffers who are regular viewers of Idol.

Here’s what our seven judges thought:

Elizabeth Evans: Boxing ring-announcer Michael Buffer opening American Idol by urging viewers to get ready to rumble? You just knew the cheese factor was gonna be off the charts. And how can a serious musician cling to any shred of artistic dignity after appearing on national television wearing a boxing robe and gloves — especially when “Kid” Archuleta likely couldn’t box his way out of a wet paper bag? Of course, when you’re an Idol contestant already shilling for Ford Motor Co., perhaps artistic dignity isn’t your primary concern. But somewhere between the omnipresent boxing references, the goofy shots of the Davids looking tough and determined, and uninteresting mentoring by Clive Davis and Andrew Lloyd Webber, viewers got to hear some music. Not full songs mind you — that would cut into Paula’s designated inane-blather time — but six predictable tunes nonetheless. Both the Davids performed well, but gauging from the intensity of screaming tween girls, Archuleta has this competition sewn up with his so-earnest eye-squinting and penchant for schlocky inspirational songs (“Imagine” aside, of course). Clearly, they think he’s ohmigod soooo cute. One wonders if they even care that the kid has a voice as clear as a bell and near perfect pitch. But there are enough happy endings to go around. Not winning Idol will give Cook a bit more “cred” with the alt-rock fans, assuming Daughtry hasn’t completely filled that niche. Now all Idol producers have to do is figure out how to keep Archuleta’s dad out of the recording studio.

Randy Flaum: Going into Tuesday’s finale, David Archuleta was so popular with the young text-messagers that it was his to lose. David Cook opened the show strong but, when Archuleta followed with just as stunning a performance, it was all over. My scorecard reads David Archuleta, 2-0-1; David Cook, 0-2-1. The middle songs were even.

Mark Franklin: Simon, this is a singing competition, right? That’s what you always say. And you let the producers turn the season seven finale into a boxing analogy? Are you kidding? OK, going with the night’s theme, Idol season seven was a knockout, and not the way Simon called it. Yeah, David Archuleta turned in the better performance in the finale, thanks largely to a wise round three song choice (“Imagine”). But did you ever hear of a three-round heavyweight match? David Cook scored a TKO weeks ago, making Mariah Carey’s “I’ll Always Be Your Baby” enjoyable, turning Dolly Parton’s “Little Sparrow” into a semi-rocker and wowing us with at least semi-unique versions of “Eleanor Rigby” and “Billie Jean.” Heck, he even excelled on Andrew Lloyd Webber night; then again last week when Simon made him sing Roberta Flack’s “First Time Ever I Saw Your Face.”  Talk about versatility. No doubt: David Cook should be the 2008 American Idol.

Larry Hicks: It depends, really, on what kind of singer you’re looking for as the American Idol. If it’s a new version of Neil Diamond, then David Archuleta is your guy. If it’s the second coming of Bono, then David Cook is more likely to fit the bill. Based on that analysis, David Archuleta is my winner. Gotta give the guy his due. He had maybe one so-so week — and that was many weeks ago — but otherwise was the most consistent performer of the top 12. And Tuesday night was no different. Three songs — “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me,” “In This Moment,” and “Imagine” — were done about as well as anyone could have done them. “Imagine” was probably the best singing performance of the season. David Cook was no slouch, either. His first song: “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” was perfection. It might have been better, even, than the original sung by Bono and U2. His second and third songs: “Dream Big” and “The World I Know” were well done and original, but not outstanding. If the goal of American Idol is to select a singer who has the best chance at becoming a vocal star, then Cook might be the best bet. He’s original. He’s got a very good voice. He got better and better with each week. And he was very good over a wider range of material than any of the others. But if the goal is to find the singer with the best voice, the best instrument, then it has to be the 17-year-old Archuleta. He’s been blessed with one of the purest singing voices I’ve ever heard. But he could end up being a one-trick pony – ballads and not much more. That might not result in a long career making records (CDs). I’m thinking, in fact, that maybe the best performer of the top 12 didn’t even make the finals. Syesha Mercado matured as a singer and performer right before our eyes. Better and?stronger, week by week. The second-best instrument in the group (after Archuleta). She might end up with the best?singing career of the bunch, with longevity to match. But she didn’t sing Tuesday night. The Davids did. And I’m thinking Archuleta is going to be the big winner based on his season-long consistency, his?boyish good looks (the girls love him) and his cumulative performance Tuesday night.

Karen Moore: Maybe it’s my age … I am definitely a fan of David Cook. I enjoy watching him perform rock songs and believe he was a better performer throughout the season. He’s more of an entertainer to me than David Archuleta who, even though he has a great voice, is a singer, not an entertainer. In last night’s performances, I believe David A. did a better job. It was his last chance to prove to the audience he’s not just a kid with a good voice. He wanted to win the competition, and I think he put everything he had?into his performances. Either way, it was a good season, and both Davids will become big stars.

Patty Plath: During the season I was initially drawn to David Archuleta because of his amazing voice and his sincere appreciation of any compliments the judges gave him. But on the other hand, I really think that David Cook has more of an “Idol” image and tons of charisma. When he sang “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” I was completely won over. As for Tuesday night’s performances, I thought both contestants were great but I didn’t recognize two of the songs David Cook sang and that made me lean more to Archuleta. So, even though I think David Cook has more of an Idol presence, my vote will have to go to David Archuleta.

Andrew Shaw: I think I need to get my hearing checked, because I must have been listening to a different show than Randy, Paula and Simon. Yes, David A. sounded nice on his three songs, as always, but the judges made it sound like the teenage wonder just found the meaning of life by singing “Imagine.” Although I think David Cook should win because his stage presence is much better — he doesn’t look like a scared hobbit afterward like his counterpart — the adolescent girl vote is too much to overcome and David A. will prevail.

OK, by my count, that’s 4-3 in favor of Archuleta, with a larger majority thinking the younger David will win, even if they’re rooting for the rocker.

We’ll find out tonight during a two-hour Idol results show chock full of — what would be your guess? — about 100 commercials.

Coming tomorrow:

The crystal ball

Coming Friday:

Saving the show

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