The finals, The X Factor

Top 12 results: Judges fail us; InTENsity goes home


Did Lakoda Rayne get a landslide of votes?

Will the sun shine on Little Miss Sunshine (aka Rachel Crow) enough to keep her around for another week?

Rachel earned my worst grade from last night’s Top 12 show on The X Factor, but I actually think she’ll be safe tonight. (See all the grades here.)

I think the contestants who have to worry the most include the Lakoda quartet and LeRoy Bell, a very talented and very atypical contestant for these types of singing popularity contests.

Of course, it will be about an hour and at least one guest appearance before we find out who heads home.

Remind me again how this show is different from American Idol.

Ah, that’s right, voters alone probably won’t decide who goes home.

If The X Factor USA follows The X Factor UK format, the bottom two vote-getters will perform a sudden death song tonight.

Then the judges will decide who gets sent packing.

Hopefully, by the time we get to that point in tonight’s telecast, I’ll be watching something other than a black screen and listening to elevator music.  That’s what I’ve got on FOX tonight thanks to a DISH Network service interruption.

Thirty minutes into the show, and still no X Factor on DISH Network.  Judging by the tweets from fellow Idol watchers, I’m not missing much.  A group number (so Idol) and a performance by someone named Outasight, whom I’ve never heard of.  And lots of filler, of course.

And, finally, 30 minutes in, it looks like we’re going to get some results.  All very Idol like.

1. Marcus Canty is safe.  Good, I see him as a potential dark horse in the competition.

2. Drew Ryniewicz is safe.  No brainer.  The best contestant so far. Brilliant last night.

3.  LeRoy Bell is safe.  Well, he was one I suspected might be in danger, but glad to see he isn’t.

4.  Astro is safe.  No surprise, unfortunately.  And what was with having his name about 4-feet tall behind him last night?

5.  Lakoda Rayne is safe.  OK, happy to see that.  I think they, too, have the potential to improve.

6.  Rachel Crow is safe.  Boo!

7.  Chris Rene is safe.  He hasn’t been very good lately, but he’s going to hang around awhile on backstory alone.

8.  Josh Krajcik is safe.  Again, no surprise.  He should be one of the favorites.

9.  Melanie Amaro is safe.  Ditto what I just typed beside Josh.

10. And the final safe spot goes to Stacy Francis, one of the top performers from last night.

That means we’re going to say goodbye to a group tonight — either Stereo Hogzz or InTENsity.

Personally, I’d rather see the Stereo Hogzz depart.  They’ve been performing together for a long time, yet they’re inconsistent.

Oops, is that bad X Factor etiquette?  Choosing sides before the final sing-off?

The Stereo Hogzz perform first.  They’ll perform Destiny’s “Emotions.”  A pretty sleepy performance with elimination on the line.  Just OK, nothing special.

InTENsity, on the other hand, comes out singing Kelly Clarkson’s “My Life Would Suck Without You.” Much, much better.  The gal with the dark hair — I promise to learn her name sometime — can really sing.

Now I’ve heard the sing-off.  Mind hasn’t changed.  I’d give Stereo Hogzz a “C” for their performance; InTENsity a “B.”

Now the judges get to choose.

Simon votes to send Stereo Hogzz.  Huh?  Last night, he said they were the best band around.

Paula votes to send home InTENsity.

Nicole votes to send home InTENsity.

L.A. Reid votes to send home InTENsity.

And InTENsity goes home.  The Stereo Hogzz stay.


Bad, bad choice judges.

Welcome to our new format, where the final decision rests with judges rather than the voters.

And, wow, if InTENsity didn’t win that sing-off … well, I’m wondering why we should have a sing-off.

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1 Comment

  1. Garrett Clayman November 4, 2011 at 1:20 am -  Reply

    If they choose to air Glee Jr. on the Disney Channel then inTENsity should be the stars, but as recording artist no shot. Too Cheesy

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