The Voice

Todd Michael Hall talks about being saved on The Voice

Todd Michael Hall reacts to being saved by Blake Shelton on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Todd Michael Hall reacts to being saved by Blake Shelton on The Voice. (NBC Photo)


Todd Michael Hall will be part of a new twist on The Voice: A four-way knockout round match.

That’s because he was saved following a battle round duet of Tina Turner’s “The Best” with Joei Fulco.

Blake Shelton selected Joei as the winner of the duet. But he was so impressed by the duet that he used his only save to keep Todd Michael in the competition.

The veteran rocker will now go up against saved artists from the other three teams in a knockout round performance with fans selecting the winner.

Here’s what Todd Michael, 50, of Saginaw, Mich., told Voice Views about his battle round experience and that four-way knockout.

Voice Views: How did that song choice work for you? Did it pose any special challenges?

Todd Michael: I like Tina Turner and I was aware of the song, but it was not really on my radar. I was surprised at first, but then pleasantly surprised when I started to sing it, because it fits my vocal pocket very well. The biggest challenge for me was locking in the harmonies.

I am used to being the lead singer. As part of the duet with Joei, I did a lot of harmonies. I even added a high harmony to the bridge section that was not a part of the original song. It took a fair amount of practice for me to stay where I needed to be, rather than migrate back to the main vocal line.

Voice Views: Now, I’m assuming you’ve performed duets over the course of your career. Is that the case, and does that type of experience help when you enter something like the battle round where some contestants might not have much experience performing with others?

Todd Michael: I actually have not performed live as a duet much if ever, so it was a new experience for me. I have recorded duets a few times, but that is entirely different. I did sing in a quartet when I was really young and in some choirs at school and church over the years, which gave me exposure to singing in harmony. However, I am almost always the lead singer with other people harmonizing to me, so this was a new challenge.

Todd Michael Hall performs during the battle round on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Todd Michael Hall performs during the battle round on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Voice Views: Both you and Joei got great feedback from the coaches. What did you think about the likelihood of a save/steal once Joei advanced?

Todd Michael: Joei and I worked hard with the goal being that both of us would make it through. We both had an incredible performance, so I knew it would be a toss up as to who Blake would choose. When he didn’t pick me, I was bummed, but I was okay with it. Everyone has to go home at some point and having two performances on national TV is a big blessing. It was a pleasant surprise to get the save. It meant a lot to me that Blake would use his only save on me after the first performance of the day.

Voice Views: Now you’re part of a brand new twist on the show, a four-way knockout. Your reaction to that? Any special strategy entering that performance?

Todd Michael: I suppose some might say it is a less desirable position than if I were stolen, because I have to go against three people instead of just one. However, a regular knockout is decided by the coach whereas the new 4-way knockout is decided by the viewers. I think it will be really tough to win, but I will at least get a chance to see what the viewers think of me. The biggest strategy is song selection. As a performer, I don’t get to sing whatever I want, but I do give my input. My strategy was to pick a song that appeals to a broad range of people and helps show off my range.

Voice Views: Is there anything else you’d like to add about the battle round experience?

Todd Michael: Even though I worried about keeping my harmonies in the right place, the overall experience was wonderful. I had not done it before and it was incredibly fun to interact with another singer in this fashion. Joei did an incredible job and we really inspired each other to another level. I hope I get the chance to do something like that again in the future.

See also …
Meet Todd Michael Hall and learn about the music he’s already released
Todd Michael Hall talks about his blind audition on The Voice

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