2016 in Review, Featured posts

Top 5 American Idol music videos of 2016


It’s that time of year. As 2016 winds down, I take a look at my favorite post-Idol music of the past year.

Today, my picks for the best five post-Idol music videos of 2016.

By my count, more than 40 videos were released by former American Idol finalists in the past year. I’ve included them all in a blog here.

Please, if I’ve missed anyone, comment at the bottom of that blog or email me at VoiceViews@comcast.net.

Tomorrow, I’ll post my picks for best Idol songs of 2016, followed by best Idol albums/EPs of 2016 on Thursday.

Next week, I’ll take a look at the best of The Voice from 2016.

Now, my favorite five videos from the past year.

5. Paul McDonald, “I Hate Love”

Paul trudges into a bar, gets the cold shoulder from an attractive bartender, then joins his band and launches into the fun “I Hate Love.” The bar is filled with lonely women done wrong by love, but Paul keeps singing “but I’ll do it anyway” until they all join him for a fun time on stage. But is it all an illusion? Hopefully not. Paul, from Idol Season 10, released the song as a single in September.

4. Nick Fradiani, “Get You Home”

Handsome Nick is sitting alone at a bar when a lovely lady tempts him to follow her. In a crowded elevator, she swipes his wallet. But don’t feel too bad for Nick. And keep watching until the end for a neat little twist. Model Michelle Hicks plays the role of the seductress in this sexy video. The video was released in May as part of the lead-up to the Season 14 champ’s debut album, “Hurricane.”

3. David Hernandez, “Beautiful”

You have to love the message in this video from the Season 7 contestant, acceptance of love and beauty in all it’s many forms. Explains David, who came out as gay post-Idol: “If you’re missing a leg, you’re still beautiful. If you’re overweight, you’re still beautiful. If you are 75 years old, you’re still beautiful. That’s why this song resonates with me. … This is who I am, take it or leave it.”

2. Pia Toscano, “You’ll Be King”

Talk about a beautifully filmed video. Of course, it helps to have a lovely lady like Pia as your star and the California desert and an appropriately disinterested Cody Callahan as co-stars. Best of all, it’s accompanied by a great song and a fabulous vocal. Pia released this song and “Pyro” — her first solo efforts in nearly five years — in conjunction with her appearance on the Idol finale.

1. Joey Cook and the Partyraddlers, “Bones”

What other former Idol finalist would walk around the streets of New Orleans singing her post-show debut single in a skeleton costume so that she’s unrecognizable except for her vocal? Ah, but the bright blue hair is the giveway, right? The haunting song wound up on Joey’s “Welcome to the Variety Show” album, released in July. And, yep, that’s Quentin Alexander, Joey’s Season 14 colleague, in a guest starring role.

Also see …
Best Idol videos of 2015
Best Idol videos of 2014
Best Idol videos of 2013
Best Idol videos of 2012
Best Idol videos of 2011
Best Idol videos of 2010
Best Idol videos of 2009

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