The Voice

Voice viewers say: Fire Adam Levine

Adam Levine congratulates Reagan Strange on advancing last week on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Adam Levine congratulates Reagan Strange on advancing last week on The Voice. (NBC Photo)


During Tuesday’s results show on The Voice, coach Adam Levine begged fans to tweet #VoiceSaveReagan.

His goal: To save team member Reagan Strange from elimination, even though she was too sick to sing at the end of Tuesday’s show.

And he made a plea for votes for Reagan even though his other team member, DeAndre Nico, was up for the show’s instant save as well.

Adam got his wish.

As Reagan watched from the sidelines in a bathrobe, she got the save, advancing to next week’s semifinals by the narrowest of margins as DeAndre and Team Blake’s Dave Fenley were eliminated.

And after the show, another hashtag erupted on Twitter: #FireAdamLevine.

There are dozens and dozens and dozens more, many with language too strong to print here.

The reaction is both understandable and predictable.

In his defense, Adam cast save votes for both contestants on Twitter. Or else had someone else do it for him.

But his comments immediately struck me as bizarre. It was just last week that he was promising to take DeAndre to the finals if viewers saved him.

Then this week, he’s encouraging them to vote for someone else, albeit one of his singers?

His stance might have been understandable if Reagan had turned in a stellar performance Monday night.

She didn’t. Look, Reagan is talented for 14 and seems like a great person.

But she was easily — hands down, no doubts about it — the weakest vocalist Monday night. I graded her performance as a “D.” And thought I was being kind.

If Adam really wanted to do her a favor, he should have steered her clear of singing “Cry,” a song she clearly wasn’t up to handling.

And he did DeAndre no favors with the song he gave him — “That’s What I Like” — for Monday’s performance show.

Adam said he wanted to create “a moment” for DeAndre. Well, Adam’s been coaching The Voice long enough to know that you do that by reworking a classic song, singing a showy power ballad, performing a spiritual number of tackling a country hit.

You don’t do it with an upbeat Bruno Mars tune.

And after your song choice lands your singer in the bottom three, you sure as hell don’t throw him under the bus just before fans start voting for the instant save.

Of course, let’s not forget, Adam had a co-conspirator Tuesday night.

Either Voice rules dictate — or producers decided — that Reagan should be eligible for a save even though she couldn’t perform.

That in itself was a very curious decision.

Which brings me to one of my favorite tweets of all after Tuesday’s show.

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  1. Robert Wendt December 5, 2018 at 10:07 am -  Reply

    What Adam Levine did was beyond horrible. Deandra gave his BEST performance last night and how was he rewarded? Levine backstabbed IN FRONT OF AMERICA. That THE VOICE allowed the audience to vote for Reagan was wrong. This show is ABOUT THE VOICE, not “she” who sits out BY CHOICE and then has her coach plead her case based NOT ON THE SAVE PERFORMANCE but because of his personal feelings for the contestant. THAT IS WRONG. Adam has tarnished THE VOICE brand. NBC had better take note of it. Additionally, Adam has impacted the careers of EVERY JUDGE SITTING ON THE CURRENT PANEL. Blake, Jennifer and Kelly should be as mad as hell and should be demanding that justice and fairness prevail. Deandre should be brought back. The rules were altered for Reagan it seems. The rules can be altered again BY FAN DEMANDS. Instead of 8, we have the top 9 with 5 artists going home. Guest performers ARE NOT what the viewer wants to see. THEY WANT TO SEE THE COMPETITION. The current competition is now UNFAIR. It is tainted by Levine’s action. Bring Deandre back, then next season DO NOT BRING BACK ADAM LEVINE.

  2. Cher December 5, 2018 at 10:39 am -  Reply

    He deserves to stay, that was very bad!

  3. TiredofTripe December 5, 2018 at 11:09 am -  Reply

    Adam Levine has been doing mean things on “The Voice” for years.

    During Season 2, he divided the vote tally to eliminate Katrina Parker.

    From Wikipedia, “Katrina Parker was a contestant in the second season of The Voice…She would have reached the show finals based on viewers’ votes, but Levine chose to give 60 points to Tony Lucca and 40 points to Parker, which gave Lucca 16 more total points.”

    By the way, Adam Levine gets paid 12 million dollars per SEASON.

  4. Violetta December 5, 2018 at 12:37 pm -  Reply

    Here’s another hashtag that should be trending.


  5. Cynthia Bowers December 5, 2018 at 1:52 pm -  Reply

    They should bring back Dave and DeAndre and Reagan and have a do over and let people vote on real performance. I felt hurt for DeAndre. So wrong of Adam.

  6. Carmin December 5, 2018 at 2:05 pm -  Reply

    Bring the guys back. Allow DeAndre to choose another coach (Kelly) and then Adam, good luck with your Maroon 5 career, because you will never regain the trust of contestants on The Voice.

  7. Cathy December 5, 2018 at 4:15 pm -  Reply

    I AGREE… FIRE HIM!!!! If Reagan was that damned sick that she couldn’t perform then she should have been in bed recouperating or in the hospital! Her reputation is ruined as she will always be known as “that girl from the voice that didn’t deserve to advance”. Her parents should be ashamed of Adam’s actions as well

  8. Susan Terral December 6, 2018 at 1:28 am -  Reply

    First; I truly believe that Adam Levine should be fired. What he did was not only unethical but cruel.
    Second, I don’t really believe that Regan was ill. Here is a girl that was on top of the world with the most plays on iTunes last week. Then, the following week she is in the bottom three? It seems pretty obvious to me that she was upset. She is fourteen years old and she was devastated. I thought it was so odd from the beginning of the show that Carson was so vague, and the whole thing was handled in such an awkward manner..

  9. Dawn Bishop December 6, 2018 at 3:13 am -  Reply

    The executives of The Voice need to put Adam Levine up on the stage, on the live show, then they need to sit in the chairs and explain to him why what he did to DeAndre was wrong, and how he made the entire show look bad. Then let him see what it feels like to be humiliated in front of millions of people. What goes around, comes around. Then maybe he will just quit the show…problem solved…he’s really a jerk anyway!

  10. Jessica December 6, 2018 at 4:15 am -  Reply

    I’m not a fan of The Voice, but to hear on headlines what Adam Levine did, really upset me and felt bad for DeAndre. Let Adam go. Horrible coach!!!

  11. delores brun December 6, 2018 at 11:19 am -  Reply

    were was carson dailey in this joke of a night!! What the hell is wrong with the producers on this The VOICE SHOW?????????????

  12. Stephen December 6, 2018 at 12:31 pm -  Reply

    The whispered truth of this prejudiced obnoxious intended move by Adam, the Voice’s most obnoxious and insincere coach, is that among black Americans and latino Americans, there was evidence of a racist move here by the result. The result is the coach that pleaded for De Andre to choose him to mentor him, breached a trust and a covenant to assist De Andre with fairness, impartiality and sincerity. He fed the young singers songs outside of DeAndre’s crooners wheelhouse, he declined to comment on his positive last performance when given the request to do so, and he stole time devoted to DeAndre’s song, to promote…;push…plea and cry for his “favorite” the 14 year old girl who was “his girl” and with whom he has a “special” loving relationship. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? SIMPLE ….it was just another case of a white man cheating deliberately a black man who trusted him, to assist another white person. Ad per usual in these cases, the loser in these racist prejudice cases, is seldom the white folks. He gutted DeAndre and left him on a stage in front of millions for a few moments that were an eternity in hell for the talented singer. Conveniently (for Adam) there were sympathy video shots of his female child favorite on the air instead of a chat between him and Andre, and people…a very few of a majority…bought into the sympathy trip. This was rigged. The spa fluffy bathrobe, the repeated video of the young girl and Adam, with De Andre standing in the dark shadows. What human being from what culture does this sort of gross indecent thing? Fire him or watch the show tank! This year has been the worst…worst singers…worst song selections especially by Levine, worst overall presentation.

  13. Sina December 9, 2018 at 12:12 am -  Reply

    Like others, I believe what Adam did was horrible, and anyone in their right mind from this time forward should stay away from him as a coach. He should have been fired, and Reagan really should not have gone on. Sad she’s sick, but unable to perform should not continue. I do think The Voice has probably lost a lot of viewers, although I would think people would see this through the end, and keep Reagan from winning since she shouldn’t be in it anyway, and America has the votes to do that. But if Adam is on next season, sadly, I will be another fan no longer watching, and I’ve been watching since the first season, first episode. Also, Voice should change rules, no perform no advance.

  14. Hannah December 12, 2018 at 11:54 pm -  Reply

    Adam Levine was extremely unprofessional. Why would any future contestant choose to be on his team? Seeing and/or hearing him speak is infuriating. How can you treat someone that way – absolutely no remorse on his face while Kelly Clarkson tried to undo the crap he just dished out. He doesn’t deserve that chair. #FireAdamLevine

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