The Voice

Voice viewers blast Adam Levine for dissing DeAndre

Adam Levine drew fire Tuesday night for favoring one of his team members over the other when it came time to lobby for instant save votes. (NBC Photo)

Adam Levine drew fire Tuesday night for favoring one of his team members over the other when it came time to lobby for instant save votes. (NBC Photo)


Adam Levine has made some strange decisions during 15 season as coach on The Voice.

But Tuesday night had to mark the strangest.

Both of his singers — Reagan Strange and DeAndre Nico — landed in the bottom three along with Team Blake’s Dave Fenley.

Only one of the three would be saved an advance to next week’s semifinals.

The difference: Reagan was sick and unable to perform her save song. DeAndre covered “All of Me” by John Legend and did a decent job with the song.

Then it was Adam’s turn to talk. And he used it to encourage viewers to vote for Reagan.

It was so strange, that Kelly Clarkson tried to intervene on Adam’s behalf after a commercial break, congratulate DeAndre for a job well done and explain that Adam was just disappointed Reagan couldn’t perform.

That didn’t saw Adam from being skewered by Voice viewers on Twitter. And the comments grew more heated after Reagan Strange got the same by an apparently slim margin over DeAndre.

Here’s a sampling of viewers’ comments on Twitter. You can check out more at the bottom of the blog and lots more on my Facebook page.

Jin: Adam, that was very ugly of you. I’ll never understand how people can praise yet basically diss you in the same breath. #VoiceSaveDeAndre

@SawalkerSusan: #VoiceSaveDeAndre he is an awesome singer @adamlevine I can’t believe you were wrong to push DeAndre aside

Deanna Squeaky Miller: There’s nothing worse to a singer than NOT having your voice! BUT do not rob one vocalist’s spotlight to save another! #VoiceSaveDeAndre

Bre: If you didn’t sing you should go home. Sorry not sorry. It’s a singing competition #VoiceSaveDeAndre

Melissa Salazar: Kelly Clarkson is a better support system for a contestant not on her team than the actual coach. #VoiceSaveDeAndre @kelly_clarkson @adamlevine

Spencer Beck: The fact that @kelly_clarkson had to come in & applaud the artists that sang is wonderful, but disappointing. Come on, @adamlevine. #VoiceSaveDeAndre

Hype Flightman: Deandre sung for his career on the show. No offense to Adam but that wasn’t right for him to use that time for Reagan instead of Deandre #VoiceSaveDeandre

Gabriella: So much love and respect lost for @adamlevine , he totally just s— on Deandre!! ##VoiceSaveDeAndre

Miss Holladay: #voicesavedeandre he’s 2% behind! Pretty sad for his coach to throw him under the bus like that. Sorry she’s sick but that’s life. Not cool.

Cece: #voicesaveDeandre So @adamlevine im very disappointed and annoyed that you just used Deandre time basically to tell people to vote for someone else smh Deandre was probably embarrassed and hurt

B.B. Carey: First Adam gave DeAndre the wrong song and now he champions someone else on the team. What’s up with that? #VoiceSaveDeandre He’s the real deal! Do it !

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  1. TeamDeAndre December 4, 2018 at 11:08 pm -  Reply

    I have watched this show every season and this has NEVER happened I’m disappointed with the show!!! #teamDeAndre #DonewiththeVoice!!!!

  2. Juanita Savage December 5, 2018 at 12:35 am -  Reply

    It’s time for Adam Levine to leave The Voice. He threw DeAndre Nico under the bus after he sang and praised his other person Reagan who was sick and couldn’t sing tonight, What Adam did was so wrong for so many reasons and should not be ignored. DeAndre sang and deserved to move forward. Reagan should have been disqualified because she could not sing. His opinion of people and what songs he picks for them mean absolutely nothing now that we know he picks his favorites and will only back them. I was happy to hear Kelly Clarkson speak up to compliment DeAndre since he wasn’t going to get that from is own coach. Shame on Adam Levine.

  3. Katrina December 5, 2018 at 1:03 am -  Reply

    This was pre planned the tweets on Reagan and deandre didn’t add up if she couldn’t din this should of been forfeited same as a football game you don’t let the other team win because of certain situations Adam was Sri g for talking to deandre like that . Deandre so humble and anointed god just set this up for Adam to be exposed !!!

  4. Lounita Trahan December 5, 2018 at 1:16 am -  Reply

    That’s why I won’t watch the voice ever again too much shade

  5. Christy December 5, 2018 at 1:20 am -  Reply

    First of all it is a COMPETITION,not a PITY PARTY. If you don’t perform, you are DISQUALIFIED. It’s not fair for her to continue.

  6. Mauna Liddiard December 5, 2018 at 1:39 am -  Reply

    I lost a great deal of respect for Adam tonight. He was wrong to diss one of his own contestants to benefit another. It’s all about winning, right Adam?

  7. Mm December 5, 2018 at 2:19 am -  Reply

    Terrible what adam did. Throwing someone from his team under the bus. Singers don’t pick adam. I’m not watching anymore!!! Bery hurtful to deandre

  8. Bobbie Gadsby Gadsby December 5, 2018 at 2:42 am -  Reply

    tonight’s show was a disgrace! I will never watch the voice again! I agree with the above comments, what does this teach young people, you don’t need to in this case sing, and yet you still receive the trophy. I’ve never posted on anything in my life but this injustice has made me so angry and I feel for DeAndre who has a beautiful voice and was very mature and handle the situation with grace even though it was obvious how much Adam hurt him tonight. He and the producers should be ashamed. I think the show lost many loyal viewers!

  9. MA December 5, 2018 at 3:05 am -  Reply

    Bottom line is , THIS IS A CONTEST! Whatever the competition is must be done by each contestant. You must be present to compete. If you cannot compete, you forfeit your place and that is the contestants dilemma. I cannot imagine how Deandre felt being starred at by millions of TV viewers and being basically told by his own coach to vote for anyone but him. No sugar coating that.
    Kelly Clarkson tried to soften Adam’ s comments but unfortunately once an arrow sped cannot be retreived.

  10. Jh December 5, 2018 at 3:34 am -  Reply

    I had respect for Adam. But after his unfortunate comments and bias, I have 0 respect for Adam. It was selfish and honestly unethical for a coach to use his influence to back a contestant who got sick. She’s is 13 or 14. She will have many opportunities to prove herself. Let the best move forward.

  11. Mariah December 5, 2018 at 3:43 am -  Reply

    Tonight was a very sad day for the voice!
    Adam you were very disrespectful to DeAndre. I have never witness this bias injustice on the voice. There must be restitution for DeAnde!!
    Shame on you Adam! You need to publicly apologize to Mr. Nick.

  12. Renee December 5, 2018 at 3:59 am -  Reply

    I felt it was very wrong of Adam to do that to DeAndre. He openly showed favoritism. Shame on you Adam. I dont think ill be watching the voice again. I felt embarrassed for DeAndre. What a way to publicly humiliate your own team member. While he was loyal to you, you ended up being disloyal to him. I thought that was very courageous and awesome of Kelly to step in and try to make things right. That could only mean that she felt Adam was wrong also. My hats off to you Kelly, thank you for doing that.

  13. Verna December 5, 2018 at 4:04 am -  Reply

    I feel that Deandra should have won and if Adam wanted Regan in they should have saved 2 people unfair of ad Sam she won by 1 vote and adam was the reason with his underhanded remark Deandra should be brought back he deserve too

  14. Mclaughlin December 5, 2018 at 4:21 am -  Reply

    Adams job is to coach and not to sway voters to pick his favorite. Andre should be brought back, Regan shouldn’t be punished and Adam she be off the show. Just aweful!

  15. San December 5, 2018 at 5:40 am -  Reply


  16. Deborah Loyal viewer from the outset December 5, 2018 at 5:49 am -  Reply

    Perhaps Adam breached his contract with The Voice last night. What he did showed bias. #sendadamlevinehome!

  17. Deborah Brown Loyal viewer from the ou December 5, 2018 at 5:50 am -  Reply

    Perhaps Adam breached his contract with The Voice last night. What he did showed bias. #sendadamlevinehome!

  18. Yvette Morris December 5, 2018 at 9:06 am -  Reply

    The Show should have not done an elimination night at all due to the circumstances and did a total of 2 weeks of voting to get a decision the next show. That was the fair thing to do for everyone.

  19. Harold Schoppe December 5, 2018 at 7:56 pm -  Reply

    I feel that “the Voice “ has gotten away from its roots. It’s more like “the Children Voice “! Change the age requirements back to 18 and above. Seems like all the judges want now is “cute little girls” instead of singers. Shame on Adam he definitely ruined it for Deandre.

    • Mark Franklin December 5, 2018 at 8:15 pm -  Reply

      Want to hear my hunch? The Voice does squat for contestants after the show. And the winner’s record contract has proven more of an obstacle than a help to a handful of past winners. Compare that to American Idol, where the winner has never failed to release an under-contract album and the top finishers head out on a nationwide summer tour. Which show would you audition for? I think The Voice is having trouble attracting singers in the 17-23 age range and that’s why you’re seeing so many young faces and so many 30+ singers. Just a hunch.

  20. Kevin Reed December 6, 2018 at 8:03 pm -  Reply

    You are a turd.
    Shame on you!!

  21. Daniel B December 6, 2018 at 9:35 pm -  Reply

    Levine is like Trump, he wants you to be loyal to him but he doesn’t return the loyalty.

  22. Minnie Marshall December 10, 2018 at 3:02 pm -  Reply

    Adam levine has been my favorite coach on the voice sinee day 1 and what happen last week is very sad, how can a coach throw one of his own under the bus to save another, I was shock with disbelief. it was unfortunate she couldn’t sing , but to throw, they need to change a lot a singer like him under the bus like you did you should be ashame of yourself. what do your kids has to do with it Nothing they need to change a whole lot on next season and bring some different people on to coach none that will throw their own team member under the bus and don’t let the coaches talk to save someone let the contestant singers have the last word . SO ASHAME OF ADAM AND THE VOICE TO LET IT HAPPEN

  23. Gail December 17, 2018 at 10:43 pm -  Reply

    I am so sick of seeing little kids on the voice not fair to the adults that have pd their dues. If u keep these children on I’m no longer going to watch. Make a the voice for kids 10to18.give them a scholership. How many agree with me.

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