Hey, did everyone notice the change in the American Idol judging arrangement this week?
When the semifinals started last week, Ellen was seated at the end of the judges’ table, to Randy Jackson’s right. And the judges took turns going first when it came time to critique contestants.
This week, Ellen shifted to Randy’s left. And each review started with Randy, went to Ellen, then to Kara and, finally, to Simon.
Of course, Simon’s used to having the last word when it comes to judging Idol contestants. Just as well. I have a feeling most viewers put the most stock in what he says.
Not sure what prompted the seating rearrangement. It’s probably a nod to Ellen’s inexperience at this judging gig.
I’ve read some rather scathing criticism of the job she’s doing so far. But she seems to be warming to the task. And the last thing we need is for Ellen to feel like she needs to weave a joke into every critique.
With four judges, it already seems the reviews last longer than the performances. Actually, I think I’ll time that some night.
Oh, and since we’re talking abou thought bubbles this season, I’d love to be able to read the thought bubble over Kara’s head when Simon contradicts her.
On with what this show is supposed to be about — the contestants.
Good news on the Crystal Bowersox front. She tweeted this last night: “Don’t worry, my ‘beetus (diabetes) is under control. Thanks for all your well wishes, thanks to the boys, and the producers!”
And thank you, Crystal, for gracing us with a performance worthy of remembering Wednesday night. It was a great way to kick off the show. And I don’t imagine it was too tough being compared to Kelly Clarkson, huh?
Crystal sent out another tweet today: “Feeling amazing after last night. I was really afraid that I wouldn’t be able to sing that song. Can’t express how grateful I am to still be here!”
I really don’t think Crystal has anything to worry about tonight.
But I’d bet there are lots of other nervous Idol contestants right about now.
My picks to go home: Lacey Brown and Haeley Vaughn among the ladies; John Park and Alex Lambert among the guys. Though Todrick Hall is the one who deserves the boot.
That said, about half the contestants performed at a level this week that doesn’t exactly guarantee them another week on Idol.
* Looks like we’ll eliminate a guy first. The first big bit of good news, Tim Urban is safe. I still think he has a decent voice from what I’ve heard of his music on MySpace. Not surprisingly, Michael Lynche and Casey James are safe, too.
That brings it down to my two picks to head home, Todrick and John. Looks like one is staying. And that person will be …
Todrick Hall. Oh, well, sorta hoped Mr. Oz would be headed back to Texas. Instead, Purple Haze gets its lead singer back. John Park, who sure lost whatever spark Shania Twain saw in the auditions, has seen his Idol journey come to an end, as Ryan would say.
* And the second elimination of among the guys … look at that, Alex Lambert stays around. That’s a bit surprising. After Tim Urban survived, I felt sure Alex might be on the chopping block.
Instead, Ryan is asking Andrew Garcia and Jermaine Sellers to remain standing. OK, Andrew didn’t have a good night Tuesday, but no way he’s going anywhere. Bye-bye, Jermaine.
Yeap, Jermaine’s off Idol. If anyone has ever checked out his MySpace, it’s full of finger-pointing about what went wrong at various points in his career. Can’t wait to see what he eventually says about Idol. He clearly doesn’t think the show appreciated his talent. Meanwhile, looks like he and Simon are going to have to go to church together in order to see one another again.
* Nice to see Danny Gokey back on the Idol stage, right? Hey, and he shared some interesting news I hadn’t heard before. That Randy Travis approached him after a show last year suggesting Danny sing country music because of the passion and soul in his voice. And that his lead single was written by a guy who had lost his wife a short while before penning the tune.
And it’s a great song. One that I’ve found myself humming on and off since picking up Danny’s album earlier this week. For a review of the album, check back on Sunday.
Meanwhile, it’s time for those nervous gals to learn their fate …
* Wow, the shocks continue on the girls’ side. Michelle Delamor certainly did not turn in a great vocal last night. But she was one of the best girls the week before. I really figured Didi Benami would be in trouble after that terribly off-pitch version of “Lean On Me.” She hasn’t been special since singing “Terrified” in Hollywood.
Meanwhile, either Lacy Brown or Haeley Vaughn just got incredibly lucky. No way either should have survived last night’s performance.
* Little surprise in row two for the girls. Based on the night’s performances, Crystal, Katelyn and Siobhan deserved to sail through … not that I’m convinced yet of Siobhan’s vocal prowess.
Which leaves Lacey Brown and Haeley Vaughn standing center stage with Ryan. As they should be. And going home is … Haeley.
Whew! Had she stayed that would have been another shock. And, while Haeley seems like an incredibly nice young lady, no one she deserved another week on Idol after her last two performances.
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