The Voice

West Coast viewers blast The Voice


The Voice host and producer Carson Daly with Alexa Cappelli, one of the West Coast contestants eliminated Wednesday night. (NBC Photo)

The Voice host and producer Carson Daly with Alexa Cappelli, one of the West Coast contestants eliminated Wednesday night. (NBC Photo)

West Coast viewers have taken to Twitter to let NBC and The Voice know what they think of the show’s new live playoff format.

They hate it.

And with good reason.

Over the last three nights, The Voice whittled its field of contestants from a Top 24 to a Top 12.

They did it with live voting. On East Coast time.

Oh, fans in the Mountain and West Coast time zones were invited to participate.

But they had to cast those votes between 5 and 7 p.m. Pacific time on Monday and between 5 and 6 p.m. Pacific time on Tuesday and Wednesday.

And they had to vote before seeing a single performance.

That’s right, folks. The show that calls itself The Voice encouraged half the nation to vote before hearing a single voice.

West Coast fans were not amused. Just go to Twitter and do a search for West Coast and @NBCTheVoice. There are hundreds of comments critical of this year’s live playoff format.

And, you know what? I hope West Coast fans keep complaining. Don’t forget, folks, Carson Daly isn’t only host of this show. He’s one of the lead producers too. One of the individuals responsible for this mess. So be sure to include @CarsonDaly in your tweets.

Here’s a sampling of comments from West Coast fans.

Here’s what’s most frustrating about this live voting fiasco: It could have easily been avoided.

With three nights of telecasts, The Voice could have easily had three teams perform Monday night, one team perform Tuesday night, then retain the regular overnight voting window which runs until noon the next day. Then Wednesday could have been a results show.

The would have been fairer to viewers across the nation. It also would have been fairer to contestants with a West Coast following.

But this is the Emmy-winning Voice.

Clearly, the Emmy voters don’t have a clue either.

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  1. Karen April 21, 2018 at 12:07 pm -  Reply

    The Voice is in deep trouble!
    As a faithful viewer, since it’s beginning I have never missed a single night’s performance.
    What you have done with this years format is dreadful.
    The voting is unfair for those of us on the west coast and for contestants as well.
    And what you did with rushing 24 contestants through their performances was like a cattle-call. Not an enjoyable experience for contestants, judges or viewers. Carson Daily rushing his intros was agonizing to watch.
    I might also suggest the idea of The Blocked is unfair to contestants and their choice of a coach.
    Please, producers, get your act together. American Idol is stealing your spotlight.

  2. Linda May 16, 2018 at 12:17 am -  Reply

    Very very poor format this year. I want my vote to count, too! The United States is so very diverse in music taste….this show truly only represented the east coast viewers and left the rest of us behind in the dust. Been a faithful viewer from the beginning. Lots of fabulous talent on this show…..LET US ALL VOTE. Make it fair for the viewers AND the talented contestants! Very sad. You may very well lose the many west and central United States viewers after this if it isn’t fixed!

  3. ROBERT SMITH May 24, 2018 at 7:34 pm -  Reply


  4. S. T. Apostoli November 24, 2018 at 9:36 pm -  Reply

    I will stop watching this show if this is not fixed.

  5. Danelle November 16, 2019 at 1:13 am -  Reply

    I just won’t watch anymore. What a waste of time.

  6. Ivragene Hudson March 17, 2020 at 5:26 pm -  Reply

    The west coast is the most diverse part of the country, in musical tastes as well as in population and in other ways. The Voice producers are surely aware of this and have clearly taken that in to consideration, insuring that the more diverse tastes of those viewers will not taint the more conservative voting preferences of the eastern and middle western viewers. Maybe we need a VOICE-Western edition or a competing show. For a lot of us prior viewers(who quit because of the voting limitations) this is a deliberate tactic on the part of the producers, to insure that the voices of the Black, Brown, Yellow, Red, and LGBTQ viewers are inconsequential.

  7. Judy Lamppu May 6, 2020 at 5:14 pm -  Reply

    I agree that the West Coast is hugely discriminated against and I also want to know why I never saw the final so called performance on the West Coast. Not only the instant save but was it aired here at all? My DVR didn’t record it and I never found it. Somebody’s messing up what used to be one of my favorite shows!

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