Concert News, Season 9

What will the Idols sing on tour? That’s top secret


Crystal Bowersox and Lee DeWyze answered fan questions via Ustream Sunday night. (AP Photo)

Season nine Idol contestants Lee DeWyze, Crystal Bowersox, Casey James and Didi Benami just finished answering questions from their fans via Ustream.

Probably the question most folks were wondering about is the one they declined to answer: What songs they’ll be singing on tour?

They can’t divulge that, the Idols said. Hey, be patient. The tour starts July 1. In Detroit, if I recall correctly. That set list will probably give you a good idea of what you’ll be hearing if you attend one of the shows on the summer tour.

Here’s a snippet of what the Idols did reveal.

For starters, they’re clearly looking forward to the tour, and singing “full songs.”

Crystal joked that she got so used to 90-second songs on Idol, she couldn’t even listen to full songs on the radio. One minute, 30 seconds and it was time for the next one.

“One’s television and one’s music,” Lee said, explaining the difference between performing on the show and performing live.

And Casey says he’s thrilled to being back to playing music every day instead of performing for an audience 15 minutes per week.

Among the other tidbits from the Ustream chat:

Didi Benami* Didi says her favorite cover song to sing is “Terrified.” How much you want to bet she performs that on tour? And the first concert she ever attended was a Shania Twain performance, which meant she was really bummed about getting eliminated before this season’s Shania Twain Night.

* Crystal says co-writing for her upcoming album will be a new experience for her because she’s used to writing music “in solitude.” Not, she added, that she’s enjoyed much solitude since the Idol season began.

* Asked which Idol contestant is most serious, Lee gave a rather surprising answer: Aaron Kelly, who also, of course, happens to be one of the youngest contestants heading out on the summer tour. Oh, and Lee plans to get a scooter to ride around during free time on the tour. Don’t expect much of that, Lee. You’ll be touring and working on that post-Idol debut album simultaneously, after all.

Casey James* Casey told a story of the day he thought someone was following him in their car. He stopped and got out. Sure enough, so did the follower. He was a little spooked. Turned out to be just an overzealous fan.

Welcome to stardom, Idols.

Note: Idol fans in Central Pennsylvania will have plenty of chances to catch the show — July 11 in Philly, July 15 at the Giant Center in Hershey, July 23 in Washington, D.C., and July 24 in Baltimore.

Go to for ticket information.

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