The Voice

Whitney Fenimore talks about music after The Voice

Whitney Fenimore during the blind auditions on The Voice Season 13. (NBC Photo)

Whitney Fenimore during the blind auditions on The Voice Season 13. (NBC Photo)


Prior to The Voice, Whitney Fenimore had released two EPs and a couple of singles.

More new music is coming in the not-too-distant future. But she tells Voice Views it might have a slightly different sound.

Whitney’s surely picked up plenty of new fans after advancing all the way to the Top 24 on Season 13 of The Voice.

Whitney, 28 when she auditioned, turned two chairs in the blinds and opted to join Team Adam Levine. She didn’t win her battle round match with Adam Pearce, but was so impressive on “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around” that Miley Cyrus stole her.

Another strong performance in the knockout round — “Calling All Angels,” this time — prompted Adam to bring her back as his comeback artist for the Season 13 playoffs.

Here’s what Whitney told Voice Views about her time on the show and her music moving foward.

Whitney Fenimore during the playoffs on The Voice Season 13. (NBC Photo)

Whitney Fenimore during the playoffs on The Voice Season 13. (NBC Photo)

Voice Views: I know the episodes we’ve watched on The Voice were filmed a while ago. What have you been doing musically since then?

Whitney: I’ve been singing and playing shows. Working on new music as well. Lots of big plans for the future. Gotta keep this ball rollin.

Voice Views: What was your favorite performance from the show and why? (Editor’s note: Whitney answered before the playoffs.)

Whitney: My favorite performance was when I sang in the battles with Adam Pearce. “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around” is such a special song and it was such an honor to be able to perform it. We were so incredibly sad to hear of Tom Petty’s passing shortly after we filmed. We wanted to do him and Stevie justice, and we are hoping we did.

Voice Views: What do you have in the works in terms of new music, and how do you think it will compare to the music you’ve already released? Do you have a timetable for a new release?

Whitney: I’m definitely going to stick with the folk/rock thing. Maybe add a hint of country in there. I can’t really help it — haha. My earlier stuff is pretty poppy and a bit more polished than I want to go for right now.

The next stuff I put out will be more organic and raw. Not so smooth around the edges if you know what I mean. I’m hoping to release new music beginning of 2018.

Voice Views: Other than the other artists you met and the hometown support, what will you remember most about The Voice experience? Do you think you grew as a musician? And, if so, how?

Whitney: The first thing that comes to mind is the wonderful friends I have made. There are just so many stinkin’ amazing people on this show and you legitimately walk away with lifelong friendships. And then I can’t leave out the fact that it was so amazing and surreal to be working with Adam, Miley, Jennifer, and Blake. How freakin cool?!

I definitely know that I have grown as a musician/singer/performer through this whole process. There’s no way you can’t. This show pushes you…in such a good way.

Here are Whitney’s social media contacts:

Twitter: @WhitneyFenimore

Adam Pearce and Whitney Fenimore during their battle round match on The Voice Season 13. (NBC Photo)

Adam Pearce and Whitney Fenimore during their battle round match on The Voice Season 13. (NBC Photo)

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