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The X Factor recap: A farce, followed by the curse of going 1st


So, do you think Arin Ray or Cece Frey got much sleep last night?

Their performances were the most criticized Wednesday on The X Factor.

And after finishing 11th and 12th, respectively, a week ago, they’re the most likely contestants to be heading home after tonight’s episode.

But they aren’t the only contestants who should fret.

Jennel Garcia performed first and was underwhelming. You need look back no farther than Monday night on The Voice to see what a curse that combination can be.

Beatrice Miller turned in a perfectly fine version of Cyndi Lauper’s “Time After Time,” but was called boring by a couple of judges. She also performed early in the show after finishing in the bottom four a week ago.

Lyric 145 was just one spot above Beatrice in last week’s rankings. One of the best and most interesting acts in Season 2, they should be headed to the Top 10.

Yet three of the judges seem to think they’re singing the wrong songs. They should be singing hip-hop music, they say. On Diva Week. Which, I suppose, means Nicki Minaj music?

What happened to giving artists credit for taking songs out of their genre and making them work within their genre? I thought that was called taking a risk on a show like this.

And it’s normally praised, not scorned.

But such is the life of an X Factor contestant, where the judges seem to be critiquing on a whim.

Unless you happen to be Emblem 3. Then even the most mediocre performance is hailed as superstar material.

On to what The X Factor thinks people really care about tonight — which is a live performance by Taylor Swift. She’ll sing a song from her new album.

Still no sign of Season 1 winner Melanie Amaro on the show. Though One Direction is sure to get a plug at some point tonight, either during the proceedings or during one of the zillion commercials that will air during the proceedings.

By the way, Melanie’s debut album, “Truly,” debuts Dec. 4, and you can pre-order now on Figured I’d better share the news; X Factor apparently doesn’t plan to.

Wow, we’re getting right down to it … OK, no we aren’t.

Our silly hosts cut to a commercial break just after promising to reveal the name of the first eliminated contestant.

And, after said commercial break, this week’s lowest vote-getter is … Lyric 145.

Are you kidding me? They were the most interesting act on the show.

That is an absolute farce. Look in the mirror, judges. You helped sink the best group on the show.

But I bet the supposedly cute … and immensely less talented … Emblem 3 will be safe. What crap.

Of course, one of the problems is The X Factor’s crappy ratings.  The fans who would get Lyric 145 probably weren’t watching.

Safe this week …

  • Arin Ray — Oh, gee, that makes a lot of sense, too. Cece just got a lot more nervous.
  • Vino Alan — Good choice, voters.
  • Carly Rose Sonenclar — Had she gone home, the disaster would have been complete.
  • Diamond White — Great, the worst singer survived.
  • Tate Stevens — The country guy had nothing to worry about.
  • Emblem 3 — Told you. The worst group survived.
  • Beatrice Miller — Hooray, she made it through.
  • Cece Frey — Wow, talk about dodging a bullet.

That leaves Paige Thomas, Jennel Garcia and Fifth Harmony as sing-for-your-life possibilities.

And Fifth Harmony is safe. They are the best of the three.

LOL.  Another reminder that this show is a joke.

The male host says to Demi: Demi, introduce your next act.

Demi to the male host: I don’t know who’s next.

For crying out loud.  Turns out Jennel is next.  Let’s grade the save-me performances.

Jennel Garcia:  Sings “The Reason Is You.”  She ended the song wonderfully.  Before that: woefully bad.  Jennel didn’t make a strong case for staying.  Grade: C-

Paige Thomas:  Not sure what song Paige is singing. “Paradise?”  Whatever it is, look at this: When she stands still and forgets all the dancing, Paige sings pretty well.  At least she’s singing rings around what Jennel just did.  Grade: B+

Now, to the judges …

L.A. votes to send home Jennel.

Britney votes to send home Jennel.

Simon declines to name an act.  He insists Demi make the decision.

Male host is insistent.  Simon must choose.

Simon is equally insistent.  He will not choose.

He wants Demi to be forced to reveal which of her two acts she’s going to send home.

Finally, male host gives up and proclaims ‘you’re the boss.’

Well, if Simon wants to be a total jerk, I guess it’s his show.  And I doubt anyone will be surprised.

Demi pitches it back to Simon.  Or tries to.  Then she picks Paige.

That sends it back to Simon.  He decides to send home Jennel. And so she goes.

At least he made the right decision in the end.

And now, the night’s other “big moment.”  We find out what order the acts finished in.

9. Arin Ray

8. Beatrice Miller

7. Diamond White

6. Fifth Harmony

5. Cece Frey

4. Emblem 3

3. Vino Alan

2. Carly Rose Sonenclar

1. Tate Stevens

Best news:  Fans still aren’t going ga-ga over Emblem 3.  And the best soloists survived.

But I’m still going to miss Lyric 145.

They were flat-out fun on a show that isn’t very fun.





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1 Comment

  1. DaisyKary November 16, 2012 at 12:29 am -  Reply

    Simon is REALLY pushing Emblem 3 down our throats. Last night was better but they still aren’t that great. Thankfully there is a voting limit so little girls can’t vote for them a million times a night. I think America is getting this season right. I agree with all the acts that are on top.

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