The Voice

Lynnea Moorer’s Twitter magic runs out on The Voice


Lynnea Moorer and DeAndre Nico await their fate on The Voice Tuesday night. (NBC Photo)

Lynnea Moorer and DeAndre Nico await their fate on The Voice Tuesday night. (NBC Photo)

It’s pretty easy to predict who might be in danger tonight on The Voice.

Yep, we’re looking at you Comeback Stage winner Lynnea Moorer.

She was the only singer not to crack the Top 200 on iTunes when voting closed at 7 a.m. today.

And that result is understandable considering her pitch-challenged cover of Camila Cabella’s “Conequences” Monday night.

But let’s say Lynnea winds up in the bottom two and has to sing for a Twitter save.

In the live playoffs, she got about 85 percent of the vote in a save situation with fellow Comeback Stage artist Ayanna Joni.

Last week, she handily defeated four-chair turn recipient and mega-talented Sandy Redd with a spot in the Top 11 on the line.

So even if she lands in the bottom two, will she go home? Or will her Twitter fans rally to save her again?

Predicting who else will be in trouble tonight is a bit tougher.

See also …
iTunes results for the Top 11
Song by song grades for the Top 11

I mean, Kymberli Joye, Kennedy Holmes, Kirk Jay, Chevel Shepherd, MaKenzie Thomas and Chris Kroeze should be sitting pretty after landing in the Top 25 on iTunes.

But remember last week: Tyke James did very well on the charts, only to land in the bottom three. He was eventually eliminated.

If that fate befalls anyone tonight, my prediction is that it would be Kymberli Joye. Remember, she needed a coach’s save to survive the live playoffs.

Based on last night’s performances, the other member of the bottom two should be Dave Fenley. Sorry, but when beat boxing is a major part of your performance, you should be able to hear more than a few of the beats.

Now, was that Dave’s fault? Who knows? The sound mix on The Voice is often abysmal, which is pretty inexcusable after all these years. It was also horrendous last week during Sandy Redd’s save performance.

I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve written that The Voice band is drowning out a contestants’ vocals. On a show called The Voice, that should never happen. Do producers even care? Based on what we hear every Monday night, it certainly wouldn’t seem so.

And, big news, Reagan Strange is most streamed artist for second straight week.

Advancing to next week:
1. Kennedy Holmes (Team Jennifer): Well-deserved. She re-established herself as a front-runner last night.
2. Kymberli Joye (Team Kelly): Hooray. She was number one on my Top 11 list this week and is likely to remain number one next week.
3. Reagan Strange (Team Adam): This iTunes rule change might wind up biting The Voice in the butt.
4. Chris Kroeze (Team Blake): This guy has an incredible hometown fan base, something I’m reminded of all the time on Facebook.
5. Kirk Jay (Team Blake): He was solid again last night and had a solid showing on iTunes. Don’t know that he’s catching fire the way the show would like.
6. McKenzie Thomas (Team Jennifer): This young lady has a bigger fan base than we realize. Check out her Instagram numbers.
7. Sarah Grace (Team Kelly): Woo-hoo! She’s my favorite among the four young females on the show because of her artistry.
8. Dave Fenley (Team Blake): There’s that Team Blake effect. For the second straight week, everyone from Team Blake advances.
9. Chevel Shepherd (Team Kelly): No way the only remaining female country singer was going home. If anything, I think she’s gaining momentum.

That means its Lynnea versus DeAndre for the instant save.

Lynnea sang “Tattoo Heart.” DeAndre countered with “Take Me to the King.” And when the Twitter vote ended, DeAndre sailed into the Top 10 and Lynnea was eliminated.

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1 Comment

  1. Nard Dog November 27, 2018 at 10:15 pm -  Reply

    Such a bad take. Do you think that maybe they asked Jennifer to speak because on television reasons and they needed more time? If you think Deandre even deserved to be on the bottom 2 then you aren’t listening close enough. He really showed how big of a nap there between himself and Lynnea. Saying “top 10 the producers wanted” doesn’t even make sense. Is it crazy for them wanting the 10 most deserving artists? Craziness

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