After American Idol

With ‘The Passion’ coming soon, Daughtry releases new music video

Chris Daughtry prepares to play Judas in FOX’s “The Passion,” he’s also celebrating his musical future and present in video.

Daughtry recently released the official music video for “Torches,” the single from the band’s greatest hits album that hit iTunes last month.

The video includes concert footage and backstage glimpses of Chris meeting the band’s fans.

“The fact that I get to wake up and play music for a living is just mind blowing,” Chris says as the video begins.

Later, during a break in the music, he adds: “We’ve done things I’ve never expected. We’ve traveled to places we never thought we’d see in our lifetime.”

“Torches” is one of two new songs on the album; “Go Down”is the other.

And the single is designed to deliver a positive message, Daughtry told USA Today.

“It’s not like a pointing-the-finger song. It’s more like, ‘Hey guys, if we really stand up together and spread some love, imagine what that can do?'”

Chris Daughtry as Judas and Jencarlos Canela as Jesus in a rehearsal for The Passion. (FOX Photo)

Chris Daughtry as Judas and Jencarlos Canela as Jesus in a rehearsal for The Passion. (FOX Photo)

Now, as for that upcoming theatrical role in “The Passion” — Chris told Billboard he was initially hesitant when approached about the role.

“The Passion” will tell the story of Jesus as a live theatrical production aired from the streets of New Orleans and complete with modern music. It airs Sunday, March 20, on FOX, beginning at 8 p.m.

Chris plays the bad guy role; he’s says he was told he was the first choice for the part. He also said he has two big musical numbers.

“The one I’m most excited about is ‘Demons’ from Imagine Dragons,” Chris says in an interview you can read here. “It’s a back and forth between me and Jesus (Jencarlos Canela), and it’s a pretty heavy moment.”

He also believes the performance should have wide appeal.

“I think the message is something everyone can take something from, and that’s love. It’s pretty inspiring.”

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