After American Idol

Ziggy delivers his Hawaii performance, on social media


Ziggy wishing well to the Top 24 on American Idol in a social media post

Ziggy wishing well to the Top 24 on American Idol in a social media post.

American Idol obviously did not bring Ziggy back this weekend, despite the pleas of hundreds of fans to do so.

But that didn’t stop Ziggy from putting on his own Top 24 performance on social media.

Ziggy, the eccentric pop singer from the Netherlands, was the last singer cut as American Idol formed its Top 24.

That cut came after he’d deliver two emotional performances during Hollywood Week, prompting lots of fans to lobby judges to allow a Top 25 to compete in the Hawaii round.

Instead, Ziggy put on his own Hawaii performance on social media, even donning a lei for the occasion.

He sings an impassioned version of Radiohead’s “Creep” to a sometimes odd-sounding backing track.

He explains that “Creep” was the next song he planned to perform on Idol had he made the Top 24.

“With this song I wanted to tell the judges and the audience my story about always feeling less beautiful and always being called a meme,” he writes.

“In the past years before I met my boyfriend, I always felt really ugly and the thoughts in my mind were always ‘Why does anybody want to date with a Cotton Candy meme?’

“I really was so lost that I thought that I was gonna end up alone and die with no one caring.”

Thanks to his performances on Idol, Ziggy clearly has lots of new fans who care.

And who knows? There’s always a chance Idol will invite Ziggy back to perform in the May 19 season finale.

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