Season 10

Adam Lambert weighs in on fellow rocker James Durbin


James Durbin has been compared to Adam Lambert on American Idol. (FOX Photo)Some Adam Lambert fans have been critical of James Durbin for imitating their Idol.

I think it has to do with the signature shriek James uses in his Idol performances, a shriek reminiscent of many of Adam’s best performances on Idol.

That’s led to some natural comparisons.

James the imitator? I haven’t bought into it. YouTube clips show Durbin rocking out before Adam Lambert appeared on American Idol.

And if James learned the benefit of shrieking on Idol, he could  just as easily have learned it from watching Siobhan Magnus in season nine rather than Adam.

Now Adam has weighed in on the subject.

In Tweets sent out this morning, Adam complimented James on a “bad—” performance. “Lot more control,” he wrote.

And then Adam added:  “And while we both have a rock scream I think we’re pretty different stylistically.”

Adam also appreciated the performance of Jacob Lusk: “I’m so excited to hear u sing every week!!”

I’m not sure Jacob will get the public’s support.

But I imagine the judges will put him through as a wild card if not, so Adam is likely to get his wish.

Meanwhile, someone needs to get Adam one of those Steven Tyler cuss sticks for his Tweets.

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1 Comment

  1. Michaela March 8, 2011 at 6:46 pm -  Reply

    James himself brought up Adam Lambert first and then Idol Bloggers started the comparisons before any Adam fans started saying anything. James has a lot of fans who are also fans of Adam, which kinda surprises me. I find James personality very unlikeable and I have an aversion to the pity stories no matter what subject.

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