Season 13

Alex Preston, Jess Meuse originals hit iTunes


Alex Preston and Jess Meuse performed originals on American Idol Wednesday night.

That’s notable because it had never happened before during a performance episode of the show.

Alex Preston

Alex Preston

Jess Meuse

Jess Meuse

Fans, apparently, loved the idea.

This morning, three Idol songs from last night’s show have cracked the iTunes Top 200 singles.

Two are the songs performed by Alex and Jess.

Here’s where the songs stand as of 11:15 a.m.

* 38: “Fairytales” by Alex Preston

* 111: “Lego House” by Sam Woolf

* 124: “Blue Eyed Lie” by Jess Meuse.

For perspective, not a single song from last week’s show cracked the Top 200.

What’s more, every song from Wednesday’s episode is showing up on genre charts. Here’s that rundown …

* Alex’s “Fairytales” was number 19 on the pop chart

* Sam’s “Lego House” was number 30 on the pop chart

* Malaya Watson’s “Ain’t No Way” was number 183 on the pop chart

* Caleb Johnson’s “Chain of Fools” was number 49 on the rock chart

* Dexter Robert’s “One Mississippi” was number 65 on the country chart

* C.J. Harris’ “Soul Shine” was number 93 on the country chart

* Jess’ “Blue Eyed Lie” was number 16 on the alternative chart

* Jena Irene’s “Rolling in the Deep” was number 27 on the alternative chart

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