Allison Iraheta, New Idol Music

Allison Iraheta and her new band release a video


Remember back in February when we learned that Season 8 American Idol contestant Allison Iraheta was fronting a new rock band named Halo Circus?

Well, Halo Circus has released a performance video, one Allison shared via Twitter Monday morning.

Allison Iraheta and Halo Circus have released their first performance video.

Allison Iraheta and Halo Circus have released their first performance video.

The song is called “Stand Up” and apparently it’s one of the songs on a nearly complete album Halo Circus is putting together.

Don’t rush to iTunes yet. There’s no word on anything resembling a release date.

But Allison says she’s thrilled to be singing again; she told NBC Latino she stopped performing after being dumped by her record label when her debut album didn’t do as well as expected (a #14 debut, but just five weeks on the Billboard 200).

The new band includes her longtime guitarist David Immerman and producer Matthew Hager, who has worked with Duran Duran, the Backstreet Boys and many others.

“Allison happens to be one of the finest vocalists I’ve ever heard,” Hager says in the NBC Latino piece.

Which won’t come as a total shock to those who saw her finish fourth on Idol.

As for Halo Circus?

In an earlier interview with The Rolling Stone, Allison said she liked the fact that it’s a “very mystical, spiritual, mysterious name.”

Well, she’s solved the mystery.

“Halo represents the sacredness of our lives,” she told NBC Latino. “Circus represents the craziness of the world we live in. And we sing about that.”

Here’s the video. And head here for the band’s Facebook page.

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1 Comment

  1. Mary June 6, 2013 at 10:41 pm -  Reply

    O wow, I am so proud of Allison. This is amazing. Thank you NBC
    for this beautiful videos. This is awesome!!!

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