Season 11, Season 11 finals

American Idol Top 9 Results: Heejun goes home


Phillip Phillips and Elise Testone rocked the Idol stage in star fashion Wednesday night.

But it appears Idol followers were more impressed with the more subdued and heartfelt performance from Jessica Sanchez.

Earlier this afternoon, I checked out the Idol videos posted on YouTube. Check out these numbers.

As of 2 p.m., Jessica’s “Sweet Dreams” video had been viewed 15,667 times. The next closest: Colton Dixon’s “Everything” 3,374 views, followed by Heejun Han’s “A Song for You” with 3,019.

And over at, they have 23 experts ranking the contestants. Jessica was ranked first by seven of the 23 and finished fourth or lower on just three ballots.

Her lowest-is-best point total was 58. Phillip was second at 73; Colton third. Bringing up the rear: Skylar Laine, Heejun Han and Deandre Brackensick, the same contestants I predict will land in the bottom three tonight.

Personally, I think Colton, Phillip, Jessica and Elise have nothing to worry about tonight.  Everyone else should be worried.  Deandre might want to be very worried.

First up tonight: Steven Tyler announces that Aerosmith is going out on a Global Warming Tour.  Details will be released soon.  Tickets go on sale Saturday. For those who wondered, the tour includes a Saturday, July 21, date at the Wells Fargo Center in Philly and a Tuesday, July 24 event at the Izod Center in East Rutherford, N.J.  Go here for all the dates.

And now we get a glimpse of the mansion the Idols moved into this week.

The results begin:

Elise Testone:  Jimmy says Elise did herself and Idol a huge favor with her Led Zeppelin performance.  He says she deserves to stay in the competition and, with the 1980s as a theme next week, has a chance to head straight to the front of the class.  She’s safe.

Hollie Cavanagh: Jimmy says what Hollie is doing is technically right and emotionally behind the pack.  He says Hollie has all the pieces, but needs more soul in her performances.  And she’s in the bottom three for the first time.

Phillip Phillips:  Jimmy says if his own material is 80 percent as good as his covers, we’re seeing the birth of a star.  He also says Stevie is seldom wrong, and everyone knows she was incredibly impressed with Phillip. He’s safe.

Nicki Minaj up next singing “Starship” in a spot that should belong to one of the Idol’s with new music to promote.  Interesting outfit, huh? But whoever taught her to lip sync should lose his or her job.  I thought you were supposed to move your lips.  Or maybe she’s letting her cleavage do the singing.

Colton Dixon:  Jimmy says Colton was good last night, but not good enough.  Compared to the other contestants who were emotional, but held their emotions in control, Colton didn’t measure up, he adds. He’s safe.

Heejun Han:  Jimmy says it was great to see Heejun come back, but the math doesn’t add up — Heejun simply doesn’t sing as well as the other eight contestants.  He’s in the bottom three.

 Joshua Ledet:  Jimmy says Joshua delivered 85 percent of the performance wonderfully, but then got emotional, and that hurt his performance.  He sounded great in the Michael Jackson medley though, Jimmy added.   He’s safe.

Now, the new single from Scotty McCreery, who has had great success with his debut album without the benefit of a major hit.  Will “Water Tower Town” be that hit?   There are songs on his album I like much better, including the title track and “Summertime.”   And Jimmy Iovine shows up on stage to present Scotty with his platinum album.

Jessica Sanchez:  Jimmy says he’s fully on board with Jessica.  He understands the voting trends on Idol, but thinks it’s time for some girl power on behalf of Jessica She’s safe.

Skylar Laine:   Jimmy says Skylar always gives him something that makes him want to vote for her. But last night’s performance was only worthy of middle of the pack. He thinks she showed her skills better on the Madonna medley.  She’s in the bottom three.

Deandre Brackensick:  Jimmy says he isn’t going crazy over Deandre, but he doesn’t dislike him either.  He thinks he needs more experience.  And his vocal performances are polarizing.  He’s safe, unbelievably.

And Ryan sends Skylar to safety.  Suddenly I’m feeling very worried for Hollie.

And Hollie is safe; Heejun is at risk of going home.

Heejun will sing “A Song for You” for the save.  Listen up, judges: Don’t even think about using that save.  I must say, Heejun is turning in a fine performance.  And he thanks the crowd, as though he knows it’s all over.

And the judges decline to use their save. Wise move.



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1 Comment

  1. jyoung March 30, 2012 at 7:16 pm -  Reply

    No offense but the comments up here about DeAndre and Heejan is absurd. And I definitely don’t agree with Jimmy’s comment saying the Heejan doesn’t sing as well as the others. I looooovvveee his voice and I’m like Jennifer, I get goosies when I hear him. They were way 2 harsh on him. jUst cause he tried 2 make light of the situation doesn’t mean he didn’t take it seriously. I believe it was his way of dealing with the insults he was getting. He’s every bit as good if not better than sum in my opinion. DeAndre left me speechless and I get chills everytime I hear him sing. I considered not watching the show no more after last nite. something is seriously wrong with anybody who don’t think DeAndre’s singing. Crazy

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