The Voice

Drama will trump departures on The Voice tonight

Chloe Kohanski and Blake Shelton mentor contestants for the knockout round on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Chloe Kohanski and Blake Shelton mentor contestants for the knockout round on The Voice. (NBC Photo)


Expect some drama when The Voice knockouts resume Monday night.

Don’t expect many departures.

That’s because there are just seven knockout round matches left.

Meanwhile, Kelly Clarkson has yet to use her save.

And Blake Shelton, Adam Levine and Kelly still have steals in their hip pocket.

Bottom line: 14 contestants will sing during Monday’s show (though my guess is one performance will be montaged).

Eleven contestants will advance. Only three will go home.

Here are the knockout round matches we’ve yet to see.

Team Adam Levine

The matchup: Gary Edwards versus Rayshun LaMarr
The songs: They haven’t been released yet
The background: Gary turned two chairs in the blinds, then won a battle round match with Angel Bonilla that was montaged. Rayshun also turned two chairs in the blinds. He then won his battle with Tish Haynes Keys. Tish was stolen by Kelly Clarkson.

The matchup: Reid Umstattd versus Jordyn Simone
The songs: They haven’t been released
The background: Reid turned two chairs in the blind audition, then sang “Love on the Brain” in a battle round match with Davison and advanced. Alicia Keys was the only coach to turn for Jordyn, but she got a second chance on the show when Adam stole her following a battle round match with Kelsea Johnson.

Team Alicia Keys

The matchup: Kelsea Johnson versus Sharane Callster
The songs: They haven’t been announced yet.
The background: Kelsea turned three chairs in her blind audition, then won a battle round match with Jordyn Simone. Sharane turned two chairs in the blinds, then advanced from her battle round match with Jamai.

The matchup: Britton Buchanan versus Dallas Caroline
The songs: They haven’t been released yet.
The background: Britton turned three chairs with his blind audition, then won a highly-acclaimed battle round match with Jaclyn Lovey. They performed “Thinking Out Loud.” One of the last contestants to earn a spot on the show, Dallas turned all three chairs possible with her blind audition. She lost her Team Blake Shelton battle with Spensha Baker, but was stolen by Alicia.

Team Blake Shelton

The matchup: Dylan Hartigan versus Wilkes
The songs: They haven’t been announced yet
The background: Wilkes got a pair of chair turns in the blinds, then won his battle over Jordan Kirkdorffer; they sang “Nobody to Blame.” Kelly Clarkson was the only coach to turn for Dylan in the blinds, but Blake stole him followed a widely-praised battle round performance with Brynn Cartelli. They sang “Ready for It?”

Team Kelly Clarkson

The matchup: D.R. King versus Tish Haynes Keys
The songs: D.R. will sing “I’m Losing You” by The Temptations; Tish will sing “Lady Marmalade” by Patti LaBelle
The background: D.R. turned two chairs in the blind auditions; then won a battle round match with Jackie Foster. They sang “Sign of the Times” and it wound up being the round’s biggest hit on iTunes. Tish also turned two chairs in her audition. She lost a battle round match with Rayshun LaMarr (“Sweet Thing”), but was stolen by Kelly.

The matchup: Alexa Cappelli versus Jorge Eduardo
The songs: They haven’t been announced yet
The background: Alexa turned two chairs in her blind audition, then automatically advanced during the battles when partner Hannah Goebel left the show. Kelly was the only coach to turn for Jorge’s blind audition performance of “Despacito.” He then defeated Amber Sauer in the battle round.

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1 Comment

  1. Anne Thompson April 10, 2018 at 10:03 pm -  Reply

    Was so upset that Reid Umstattd’s performance was cut short on knock outs! HE is the reason I watch the show! What the heck? Who made that terrible decision? The viewers deserve a chance to see his performance in full. Make it up to us!

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