After The Voice

Elenowen unveils two new ‘Versions,’ more to come


Nicole and Josh Johnson make up Elenowen from The Voice Season 1

Nicole and Josh Johnson make up Elenowen from The Voice Season 1.

Josh and Nicole Johnson make up Elenowen, the first duo to ever earn a spot on The Voice.

Now, 10 years after they started releasing music together, the couple are reworking previously released songs as a new album called “Versions.”

The country-folk-rock duo started releasing those new versions earlier this month, beginning with the superb “Honey Come Home” and following up on Friday with “Better Days.”

The latter, originally released on their 2015 “For the Taking” album has special meaning for he and Nicole, Josh says.

“I remember writing this song in the basement apartment we lived in for five years. In that chapter of our lives a lot of things were up in the air and out of reach.

“We’d been dreaming together about having kids and a house for six years, but we didn’t have room and couldn’t afford either one. Just impatiently waiting for things to line up, and getting more discouraged every day.

“So we wrote “Desert Days” as a note of encouragement to ourselves. A reminder that good things take time & start small, & a reminder to not give up.

“It meant a lot to us then, & still does now. Even with two sons & a little house of our own, a whole other set of things are up in the air & out of reach, & this song serves us again as a hopeful reminder.”

There’s no release date yet for “Versions,” which will include eight songs.

But here’s a snippet of “Desert Days” and the music video for the re-imagined “Honey Come Home.” Elenowen originally released that song in 2011.

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