James Durbin, New Idol Music

Fans take to Twitter to show love for Durbin rock


Album release day has arrived for James Durbin, and fans are apparently loving what they’re hearing.

The Season 10 rocker’s debut album — Memories of a Beautiful Disaster — is available for download today (at iTunes, you get two bonus tracks) and will hit stores tomorrow.

James co-wrote five of the album’s 11 base tracks.  The CD features a guest appearance by Mick Mars of Motley Crue.  It was produced by Howard Benson, who has also worked with Daughtry, My Chemical Romance and Motorhead.

Among the responses to the album on Twitter:

From jamesdinfo:  “James!  We are loving your new album out here in durbinland.  Thanks for keeping it real!”

From IRollWithDurbin:  “This album is UNBELIEVABLE!  It’s awesome and it was definitely worth the wait. Keep on rockin!”

From ePaulMiller:   “Amazing work on “May.”  By far my favorite.”

From MikeCaff:   “CD is sick.  Just heard it for the first time and real, real good.  Congrats, man.”

From lizzybeard43798:  “Your CD gonna climb to number one on iTunes charts cus it is amazing.  I’ve been listening to it for two hours straight now!!!”

From Xiantyane:  “Awesome music!  You should be so proud.”

Want to listen before making the purchase.

Head over to AOL Music.  You can listen to the entire album for free.

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  1. Ellie G. December 1, 2011 at 1:18 am -  Reply

    Great article, Mark Franklin. Thanks for acknowledging how much James fans are GONZO over this album. We are, cause Memories of a Beautiful Disaster rocks! It’s got everything and shows off James awesome vocals perfectly.

  2. Eliza December 1, 2011 at 1:55 am -  Reply

    this past week have been watching the sales numbers of new releases and could not fight the stupefaction… today went to listen to the multiplatinum album of daughtry and coldplay’s leader just to get a little educated about who wins those audiences… and couldn’t believe how much superior durbin’s album is… would not say everything is perfect there on the production side, but come on!!! everything you can wish from a young rocker is there…and more.. and some really great songs in abundance i don’t remember since… well done, james!!! you can see a sorta of a new style emerging… and gosh! what a fascinating watch it is… we knew we could count on serious entertainment here… and great things to come from your talented band in coming years… good luck, james durbin!!! more promotion, name recognition that comes with more good songs and you’ll be ‘in chocolate’, as they say, pretty soon… you guys can listen to whoever…

  3. Mary December 1, 2011 at 11:52 pm -  Reply

    Been listening to his album over & over–not a song on it you won’t like. I want this to get to radio–they’ll LOVE IT!

  4. monica December 12, 2011 at 9:50 pm -  Reply

    This album has so much love, May is an example of this, I love every issue, but I recommend listening to: higher than heaven, all I want, deeper, right behind you, for me this album is amazing.

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