After The Voice

Four new Christina Grimmie music videos to be released this summer


Christina Grimmie during the filming of the "Snow White" video earlier this year.

Christina Grimmie during the filming of the “Snow White” video earlier this year.

Turns out Christina Grimmie will be remembered through a series of videos filmed before her death.

Earlier this year, Christina released a four-track EP called “Side A.”

It was probably her best music yet, not to mention one of the most addictive post-Voice releases of 2016.

Well, back in February, Christina and her collaborators shot six hours of choreography and filmed for four days to create videos for the four songs on the EP.

Those videos will be released as "The Ballad of Jessica Blue," according to a post on Christina's Facebook page this afternoon.

The videos will be showcased on Christina's phenomenally popular YouTube channel and on her Facebook page after premiering on

They will be released over the span of a month, with the following release dates:

Aug. 11: Snow White

Aug. 18: Anybody's You

Aug. 25: Deception

Sept. 1: Without Him

Christina died after being shot by a crazed fan following a show in Florida last month.

If you somehow missed her Side A release, I'd suggest checking it out. You won't be disappointed.

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