Pia Toscano

Get ready for the return of Pia Toscano


So, have you been wondering whatever happened to new music from Pia Toscano?

Well, she answered that question and more during a Wednesday Q&A session on Twitter.

Pia Toscano at a Los Angeles Kings game.

Pia Toscano at a Los Angeles Kings game.

The dark-haired beauty with remarkable range was a surprisingly early casualty among American Idol’s talented Season 10 cast, finishing ninth.

Just a couple of months after the show, she released a debut single called “This Time” that didn’t really catch on.

Since then, perhaps her biggest claim to fame was as the Los Angeles Kings’ lucky charm during their improbable run to the 2011-12 NHL Stanley Cup.

It worked like this: Pia sang the national anthem, the Kings usually won. So she sang the anthem a lot during the playoffs.

Now, she’s working on new music that will be released sometime this spring, she said today on Twitter.

Though those who haven’t been following Pia closely might be surprised at the form it will take.

Pia is now part of a duo with Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter Jared Lee, and they’re working on an album together.

During Wednesday’s Q&A, Pia indicated they’ve already recorded seven songs for the project.

Jared Lee and Pia Toscano are working on new music together.

Jared Lee and Pia Toscano are working on new music together.

They’ve been performing together since at least last summer, when they performed their first StageIt show together, but they’ve known one another much longer.

During a Q&A posted on their YouTube channel, Jared says they met nine years ago, when Pia was still a junior in high school and someone from Sony suggested they try writing music together.

They reconnected when Pia was in L.A. for Idol, then performed together at the Viper Room during one of Jared’s shows about a year ago.

“We kind of just really loved the response we got,” Jared said. “And we thought it would be a really good time to make a run at a project together.”

Adds Pia, 25: “We kind of decided this is something that’s kind of different and special, and we really love working together.”

I’ve embedded one of their songs — “Ordinary Love” — below. For more, you can head to that YouTube channel, where Pia and Jared promise to answer submitted questions on a regular basis.

Pia also posts regular updates about the duo on her Facebook page.

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