Judges, Paula Abdul

Idol contestants voice their support for Paula Abdul


In a little over a week, I’ve interviewed four Idol contestants from season eight.

They all feel the same way about one point: They’d prefer to see American Idol continue with Paula Abdul as a judge.

Paula’s future is still in limbo, apparently. Here’s a link to a Los Angeles Times story updating the status of Idol negotiations.

And here’s what the contestants said when asked about the prospect of Idol continuing without Paula.

Megan JoyMegan Joy: “I think it would be a bummer. Paula is a huge part of the show, and it would never be the same without her.

“But I also love Paula personally. I think she’s a wonderful person. And if she’s ready to move on, then I fully support her.”

Mishavonna HensonMishavonna Henson: “I think it’s weird and I could never see that happening. I mean, she is American Idol. You think of American Idol and you think of the three original judges. It wouldn’t be the show without her.

“It could be them crying wolf. Their ratings have gone down, so you know, maybe they’re trying to pump it back up, get it in the news again.”

Felicia BartonFelicia Barton: “I don’t think Idol will be the same without her, but I am not a fan of four judges either …. it will be interesting … I just feel like after being on the show, it is nice to have someone there to give you some positive feedback and she did a great job of that.

“Regardless of people’s opinions of Paula, she is my favorite judge. She has a genuine desire to see us succeed, and I truly appreciate that! I won’t be convinced she isn’t on the show until auditions start with them and she isn’t there!”

Ju'Not JoynerJu’Not Joyner: “I personally felt Paula brings something to the table that the other judges don’t. Everyone else is so ‘industry.’ Kara: Albeit she’s qualified to be a judge as prolific a songwriter as she is, she’s still ‘industry.’ Simon: You can’t get more ‘industry’ than that. Randy: He is a musician, so I think he brings something different to the team.

“Paula, though she’s in the music industry, I don’t feel like she’s of the music industry. She kind of brings a different ear to the table — ‘I like it or I don’t’ from a listener’s standpoint, not from the standpoint of, ‘I think this is going to sell.’ She’s just not ‘industry.’ She’s like the normal everyday listener. And you need that. Because it’s normal, everyday people who buy music.”

In coming days: Keep checking back. I’ll be posting the interview blogs with all four contestants soon.

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