The Voice

Jacob Miller talks about a battle we missed on The Voice

Jacob Miller performs during his battle round match on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Jacob Miller performs during his battle round match on The Voice. (NBC Photo)


Jacob Miller was one of 11 contestants to advance to the knockout round on The Voice Monday night.

Unfortunately, his battle round match with Kevin Farris was montaged, meaning viewers saw just a few seconds of the performance.

Competing for Team Nick Jonas, Jacob and Kevin performed “Lights Up” by Harry Styles.

When the battle ended, Nick declared Jacob the winner; Kevin was eliminated.

Here’s what Jacob, 29, of Eden, Wisc., told Voice Views about the experience.

Voice Views: Since we didn’t get to see the battle on TV, can you tell fans about what they missed and what type of feedback you got?

Jacob: The coaches had some very encouraging words for me after the performance. Kelly said I have laser perfect pitch, and Blake & John had similar compliments about my tone/pitch. It was a hefty compliment coming from them.

Voice Views: What do you think was the key to your success in the battle round?

Jacob: Kevin and I both worked very hard to make the song as sincere as possible. We practiced a ton, and viewed the performance as much more of a duet than a battle.

Jacob Miller and Kevin Farris listen to feedback following their battle round match on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Jacob Miller and Kevin Farris listen to feedback following their battle round match on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Voice Views: How did the song choice work for you? Did it pose any special challenges?

Jacob: I really don’t like the song very much. It’s an alright tune, but not my style – so that was the initial hurdle to overcome. Kevin, the band, and I changed the groove of the song and kind of made our own version which helped.

Voice Views: Anything else you’d like to add about the battle round experience?

Jacob: I’m glad I got to do the battle round with Kevin. He’s from Chicago, I’m from Wisconsin – and we just got along well. It was a good first challenge on the show working with another contestant as well.

Voice Views: And, obviously, you can’t talk about song choice, but is there a side of your artistry you haven’t gotten to display yet that you hope to in coming rounds?

Jacob: In the knockout round I chose a pretty unexpected song in regards to the kind of music I usually play/listen to. It was a great challenge to get out of my comfort zone and try something different.

See also …
Meet Jacob Miller and learn about the music he’s already released
Jacob Miller talks about his blind audition on The Voice

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