After The Voice

Jessica Childress, Tim Atlas, Josh Hoyer release singles

  • Jessica Childress from The Voice Season 4
    Jessica Childress from The Voice Season 4


Recent post-Voice releases include singles from Jessica Childress, Tim Atlas and Josh Hoyer.

Here’s a bit about each of those releases.

The links take you to the songs on Apple Music. Or you can check out the Spotify snippets below.

* Jessica Childress of Season 4 serves up a brilliant vocal on her latest single “Walk With Me.” On Instagram, Jessica says she was in a dark place the day she wrote the song, but credits producer, songwriter Rune Westberg with letting her cry and be vulnerable and then turn the emotions she was feeling into music. “I feel like we as a people are right there, feeling lost and alone and scared shitless,” she writes. “BUT WE ARE NOT ALONE! I will walk with you! I will walk with you to the polls, through the streets with my hands lifted in protest, through the darkness of this journey UNTIL WE SEE THE LIGHT.” Read her full post about the song here.

* Tim Atlas from Season 9 released “Cold Shoulder,” his second single of 2020 earlier this month. With more than 37 million streams of his songs on Spotify, Tim’s one of the most heard former Voice contestants. For “Cold Shoulder,” Tim “cut up around 300 stock images, learned how to make them move & made a music video in some true quarantine fashion haha. A labor of love, but I can’t wait to show y’all.” The music video is now out too.

* Josh Hoyer from Season 12 and his band Soul Colossal has released the single “Sunday Lies,” the latest song released from their upcoming album, “Natural Born Hustler.” Here’s how Josh described the song to MusicFestNews: “The co-opting of religious messages by politicians to affect a change in voter dynamics often is done with a large chasm between word and action. Sadly, it appears many people of faith either are unwilling to accept this truth or are blinded by said faith. This song is a meditation on those in power corrupting the message, those missing the actual truths behind the message, and those that see through the lies.” As for the album, Josh is hoping to release a vinyl version as well but needs 150 committed pre-sales to do so.

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