After The Voice

Kat Robichaud launches Kickstarter to share more ‘misfit’ songs


Kat Robichaud from The Voice Season 5Back in 2014, Kat Robichaud launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund “Kat Robichaud and the Darling Misfits.”

It turned out to be one of the best post-Voice albums yet.

Now she has more “misfit” songs she’d like to share. And a new Kickstarter campaign.

Since The Voice, Kat has relocated to San Francisco. About a year ago, she launched a variety show there called Misfit Cabaret.

Kat describes it as “a whimsical variety show centered around theater, music, and pop culture.”

Each show also features two original songs penned by Kat. And they’re only performed during that one show.

Now she’d like to record all of those songs for one album: “Kat Robichaud’s Misfit Cabaret.”

As for the songs, Kat tells us they’re about “submissive relationships and death waltzes, Edward Scissorhands and David Bowie and Sally Bowles, vampires, being a misfit, how we’ll be perceived in the future, and above all else, love.”

In other words, expect something delightfully different.

You can check out some of the songs on that Kickstarter page; be sure to listen to “White Snow, White Dress.”

You can also check out all the rewards, of course, which range from a digital download of the album for $10 to a one-hour singing lesson from Kat for $175 to more elaborate packages.

Launched a week ago with a goal of $25,000, the month-long Kickstarter campaign is nearly halfway toward its goal already.

You can also keep up with Kat through her Facebook page and her website. On Twitter, she’s @katrowbeeshow.

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