The Voice

Meet Natasia Greycloud of The Voice Season 15


Natasia Greycloud of Nashville, Tenn., earned a spot on Team Jennifer Hudson for Season 15 of The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Natasia Greycloud of Nashville, Tenn., earned a spot on Team Jennifer Hudson for Season 15 of The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Her audition: Natasia Greycloud, 29, of Nashville, Tenn., auditioned with Sam Smith’s “I’m Not the Only One.” Her soulful voice had Kelly Clarkson and Jennifer Hudson debating who should turn. Then Natasia hit a big note and both did, simultaneously. Natasia decided to join Team Jennifer.

Her background: Natasia says she was born into this. Her grandparents were both in entertainment. In her senior year, she performed in “Little Women” and got bit by the performing bug as well. She got married early, but split with her husband after four years. Her friends eventually convinced her to move to Nashville, where she found more artistic opportunities.

On picking Team Jennifer: “I actually went completely with my gut on stage. I was leaning towards Kelly to begin with, but I definitely look up to both of those artists. It was just kind of a matter of in the moment going with what I knew was going to be right for me. So you can see a little bit of surprise on my face when I chose Jennifer, but it was the perfect choice and I’m just glad I went with my gut.”

What the show didn’t show:

* She is from Newberg, Oregon, and, according to her Voice bio, has always loved music but was too shy to perform when she was in high school.

* Natasia Greycloud has released two singles this year — “There You Go Again” and “What You Waiting For.”

* The former was released in late May and Natasia said it was her first single and “a long time in the making.”

* You can check out more originals on her Facebook page. They date from about four years ago and Natasia says they were recorded live with her band in Portland.

* She previously performed as Natasia Caitlin and was accompanied by her sister in that post-marriage move to Nashville.

* On her personal Facebook page, she writes: “There are SO many exciting things happening right now! This life has truly been equally wonderful, chaotic, disappointing, beautiful and successful … full of mountain tops and valleys, and time after time taking a seat and reminding myself that quitting is NEVER an option. I am not an observer of my life, I am a builder, and I couldn’t be more proud of what I see so far. Blessed to have the love and support that I do, it is irreplaceable.”

* During a conference call with the media, she had high praise for her Voice coach saying, “She’s really like the perfect coach for me. She has so much experience and theater and film and music and she understands the whole process. So she has definitely pulled out a lot of things in me as an artist that I am grateful for.”

Her social media links:
Twitter: @NGreycloud

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