The Voice

Meet Worth the Wait of The Voice Season 19


Worth the Wait, including Jacy Leilani, Mia Makana and Mama T, will appear on The Voice Season 19

Worth the Wait, including Jacy Leilani, Mia Makana and Mama T, will appear on The Voice Season 19

Their audition: Worth the Wait, a trio from Centre, Alabama. auditioned with “When Will I Be Loved” by Linda Ronstadt. They’d barely launched into the song, showing off their superb harmonies, when they had all four coaches facing in their direction. Gwen called their performance “magic.” Blake vowed to direct them to songs that will allow their harmonies to soar. They opted to join Team Blake.

Here’s more about Worth the Wait:

* This trio will be a first for The Voice, consisting of a mother, Tara, 47, and sisters Mia Makana Matthews, 15, and Jacy Leilani Matthews, 13.

* They describe themselves as a “young spirited and hip country/pop trio” raised on “good ole Sunday morning hymns, Christian contemporary, county and pop.”

* Mia and Leilani have also performed with sister Sadie as the Matthews Sisters and, according to their YouTube bio, went viral, racking up 45 million views on the site.

* The Matthew Sisters released their version of The Star-Spangled Banner back in 2017. Worth the Wait does not appear to have released music to streaming sites.

* The Matthew Sisters are on at least temporary hiatus because older sister Sadie got married, the other sisters explained in an April 2019 social media post.

* Mother Tara has a Cherokee Indian heritage; the girls’ father, who died in 2008 when they were young, was from Hawaii. Both were musicians when they were young, as was their father’s father.

* The girls explain it this way: “Daddy was a rocker, our dear late grandfather was a Hawaiian crooner & our mom sang country/pop but loved heavy metal! def have musical genes. It’s just who we are. And what we know best.”

* Below, you can check out the girls and their mom singing Maren Morris’s “My Church” and Dolly Parton’s “Coat of Many Colors.” They’ve posted a number of other covers to their Instagram page.

Worth the Wait on social media:

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