Granville Automatic, New Idol Music, Vanessa Oliveras

Granville Automatic sings ‘Never on a Sunday’ in new video


Today brings a new video from one of my favorite groups with an American Idol connection — Granville Automatic.

The folk-acoustic duo includes Vanessa Olivarez from Season 2 of Idol and guitarist Elizabeth Elkins.

The video is for a song called “Never on a Sunday” that was included on their self-titled album from May 2012.

Vanessa describes “Never on a Sunday” as a drinking song, “loosely based on my mother.”

I’ve embedded the video below. If you like what you hear, check out the rest of the impressive debut studio album.

I was impressed enough when I heard it to rate it among the five best Idol-related albums of 2012.

Vanessa and Elizabeth recently completed a successful Kickstarter campaign for their current project.

It involves recording songs about the Civil War on the battlefields where they took place. The goal is to raise awareness of the need to preserve those battlefields as the nation commemorates the war’s 150th anniversary.

An album will follow, likely sometime next year.

Head here for more on that project.

Now, “Never on a Sunday.”

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