After The Voice

On the verge of 18, Emily Keener releases album number three


By age 17, Emily Keener already had an impressive musical resume with two albums to her credit.

You might say she’s added to that resume in the last year.

First came a Top 12 finish on Season 10 of The Voice, during which she hit number two on the iTunes alternative chart with her cover of “Lilac Wine.”

Now comes her third album, the 11-track mature-beyond-her-years “Breakfast,” which hit iTunes Friday.

The day after her ouster from The Voice, Emily said she was “planning to have a really intense new record out very, very soon.”

With her 18th birthday just days away (Nov. 23), she seems to have accomplished that mission.

Standout tracks on the new album include “Lorelei,” “Fire and Brimstone” and a lovely ballad called “Pretend.”

Then there’s the delightfully whimsical “Let You Waste My Time,” probably the closest to pop the singer-songwriter comes on the new album.

“Breakfast” also includes the lead single “Elevator,” which Emily committed to video earlier this year.

Emily plans to celebrate the release with a trio of shows in her home state of Ohio. She’ll also be performing her new music at a special West Coast show at the Hotel Cafe in Los Angeles on Dec. 7.

You can follow Emily through her Facebook page and website, where physical copies of the new album are available. On Twitter, she’s simply @EmilyKeener.

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