Season 5, The Voice

Results time: The Voice cuts from 12 singers to 10


Do you have your Twitter account open?

Are you ready to tweet using the hash tag #VoiceSave?

Jonny Gray could be one of The Voice singers in need of a save this evening. (NBC Photo)

Jonny Gray could be one of The Voice singers in need of a save this evening. (NBC Photo)

Jonny Gray, Austin Jenckes and Josh Logan are probably hoping you are.

And that you’re ready to cast a vote for them as The Voice uses the “instant save” for the first time.

OK, I don’t know what’s going to happen about 50 minutes from now.

But I know how the songs performed on The Voice last night landed on iTunes. And the music charts would indicate that Jonny, Austin and Josh have the most to worry about tonight.

How about those chart results? Matthew Schuler and young Jacquie Lee took another step toward establishing themselves as front-runners in the competition.

Voice fans seemed to like Cole Vosbury’s take on an R&B song a whole lot better than I did (see last night’s song by song grades here).

And Lancaster’s James Wolpert tumbled from number one to number nine among Voice artists on the charts in spite of what I thought was a fine performance. Could he be in trouble tonight as well?

If so, you’ll have that instant chance to save him. If you missed the news, here’s how it works.

Carson Daly will announce the three low vote-getters tonight. Then fans will have five minutes to tweet out save messages using the #VoiceSave hash tag.

The contestant getting the most save votes will stay in the competition. The other two will head home.

And we’ll get to do this for each of the next three weeks as well.

But, of course, before we get to the results, we’ll have some music, starting off with Sara Bareilles singing “Brave,” accompanied by Caroline Pennell, Jacquie Lee, Tessanne Chin and Kat Robichaud. OK, Sara certainly did the bulk of the singing; I think The Voice gals got one tiny line apiece.

Might be just as well. As super talented as The Voice cast is, some of last week’s group numbers were downright painful.

Safe this week are:

Caroline Pennell of Team Cee Lo;
Matthew Schuler of Team Christina;
Austin Jenckes of Team Blake;
Tessanne Chin of Team Adam;
Jacquie Lee of Team Christina;
Cole Vosbury of Team Blake;
Will Champlin of Team Adam;
Ray Boudreaux of Team Blake;
James Wolpert of Team Adam.

Kat Robichaud wound up gettting the first-ever instant save on The Voice Tuesday night. (NBC Photo)

Kat Robichaud wound up getting the first-ever instant save on The Voice Tuesday night. (NBC Photo)

That means Jonny Gray, Kat Robichaud and Josh Logan will be vying for the instant save.

Well, I cast my instant save vote. The first-ever Voice crowd surfer needs to stay.

Leaving The Voice tonight — Jonny Gray.

Also leaving The Voice tonight — Josh Logan.

And America saved — Kat Robichaud.

Nice job, Twitter users. Kat was definitely the most impressive of the bottom three last night. Honestly, given some of the Team Blake performances, I was surprised she found herself in that position.

The studio version of her song “Sail” is excellent. And, for crying out loud, she fell backwards into the crowd and never missed a note.

Meanwhile, a close call for Lancaster’s James Wolpert, though you never know precisely where the top nine contestants fell in terms of votes received.

He was the last contestant sent to safety before the instant save voting began.

Check back between now and Monday when I’ll be ranking the Top 10 on The Voice.

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1 Comment

  1. David Perkins November 13, 2013 at 10:45 pm -  Reply

    Those of us who closely monitor The Voice artists on the iTunes chart (and make predictions) missed something important this week. Just about all of us had Austin (not Kat) in the bottom three with Jonny and Josh. I used to analyze public opinion polls in a former life, so I had to find out why. As best I can tell, we failed to give Austin enough credit for past performance. In fact, he fared better on the chart than Kat after the first live show, and much better than Kat prior to the live shows. Yes, he tanked this past week, but he’d apparently already built a sufficient fan base to overcome it. We overlooked his past success on the chart, and assumed he was doomed. In the weeks ahead, I’ll be paying additional attention to past performance — especially insofar as it concerns contestants like James. His charting has been uneven of late — to say the least. Is he really headed to the bottom three? Probably not. And certainly not with a better song choice. With so much talent so tightly bunched on the iTunes chart, predictions will be challenging this season. I’m looking forward to it. And I really enjoy all your posts. Thanks.

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