The Voice

Sarah Grace talks about her debut single and more music to come

Sarah Grace performs on The Voice. Her rendition of Amazing Grace hit number three on iTunes, the best chart performance so far in Season 15. (NBC Photo)

Sarah Grace performs on The Voice. Her rendition of Amazing Grace hit number three on iTunes, the best chart performance so far in Season 15. (NBC Photo)


Just eliminated from The Voice this week, Sarah Grace has already released a debut single.

In fact, “What I Came For” by Sarah Grace and The Soul landed on iTunes back in mid-November.

And it’s already enjoyed a stint at number one on the iTunes blues chart.

“‘What I Came For’ is a song about finding a place in the music industry,” said Sarah Grace, who appears on the verge of doing just that. “I wrote it because I was feeling lost in the business, especially as a young woman.”

She said she chose it as a first single for her band because “it’s one of the more powerful songs that I have written and it has a lot of depth to it. I also feel like it has a pop side to it that made it more commercial.”

And the 16-year-old told Voice Views more music is coming from the band, which also includes her sister Reagan Kimberly on drums and Daniel Holder on bass.

Her plan is to return to Houston and release a full album of Sarah Grace and The Soul music “very early in 2019.”

“I am so excited about it because I feel as though I am really starting to settle into my sound as a musician and my band’s sound as an ensemble. The album is going to have a very rootsy, blues feel with an ounce of pop. Be expecting some really creative, musical, songs!”

Here’s the lyric video for “What I Came For,” followed by what Sarah Grace told Voice Views about her time on the show as a Top 8 finisher and a member of Team Kelly Clarkson

Voice Views: Where do you see The Voice experience leading you musically? What are your musical goals / aspirations now?

Sarah Grace: As a musician, The Voice has encouraged me to stay true to my genre, the blues, but it has also taught me that I can reach out of my genre. The Voice has shown me that I have a lot of power as an artist, to influence the way people see the world, and the way people see music, and that’s an amazing responsibility that I am so honored to have. In the future, I look forward to playing many festivals and working with my band to simply get better. I also look forward to getting back to teaching trumpet and mentoring in the blues.

Voice Views: As a musician and artist, do you feel you grew/benefited as a result of the show and in what ways?

Sarah Grace: I grew so much as a musician and I am so thankful that I had this opportunity to showcase my artistry on this huge platform. The connections that I have made through this platform have already been so valuable to me. I learned and stretched as a vocalist — I had my first vocal lesson ever, which is a big step!)– I adapted as a trumpet player to a live television situation, and I learned about some of the ins and outs of the industry. I have already seen some of this start to pay off, in many ways. I have started writing more music I just became an Official Hammond artist, and my single shot up to #1 on the blues charts on iTunes. It has been an incredible learning experience filled with great connections.

Voice Views: Which was your favorite Voice performance and why?

Sarah: My favorite performance of mine on The Voice was “Amazing Grace.” I feel like I was able to introduce something fresh to America, and that’s a really special feeling. Not only was that arrangement super cool, but I was the very first trumpet player ever on The Voice. It was an unforgettable experience to be able to make history (and represent my fellow band geeks) with such an impactful performance. I garnered a lot of attention for this performance, and it even lived at #3 on the iTunes overall charts for a few days.

Voice Views: Is there anything else you’d like to add about The Voice experience?

Sarah Grace: I’m just so thankful for my experience on The Voice, and I’m so grateful for the friends I’ve made throughout this, but I’m so excited to move on to some huge things in my life!

On social media:
Band website
Twitter: @sgandthesoul

See also
2018 albums and EPs from former Voice contestants
2018 singles from former Voice contestants
2018 music videos from former Voice contestants

Sarah Grace became the first Voice conteestant to play the trumpet during her Top 10 week performance of Amazing Grace. (NBC Photo)

Sarah Grace became the first Voice conteestant to play the trumpet during her Top 10 week performance of Amazing Grace. (NBC Photo)

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